Wedding Freakout Part 1-Dylan O'Brien

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I was warned for months how stressful wedding planning is. Every day that passed was a day closer to marrying my best friend. But everyone around me was kind enough to remind me that the closer to the wedding, the more stressful the planning.

As much as I told myself that wasn't true, it was. It was something new each week starting about four weeks before the wedding.

Four weeks before the wedding it was something with the catering. Turns out they messed up the order and we were going to have the option of chicken or salmon instead of chicken or steak.

Three weeks before the wedding it was the bridesmaid dresses. Half of them weren't the right size while the other half were the wrong color.

Two weeks before the wedding the flowers for the tables wouldn't get to the banquet hall until halfway through the ceremony.

One week before the wedding was when my mom found out my father was bringing his new girlfriend. Hearing that her ex-husband was coming to his daughter's wedding with a younger woman stressed her out so much that she debated about not coming at all.

The whole week before my wedding all I did was try to convince my mom that it didn't matter who dad brought. I had to remind her over and over that the wedding was about Dylan and I starting our lives together, not what dental hygienist dad was currently trying to sleep with.

It wasn't until the end of that week, three days before the wedding, that Dylan and I decided to tell her and Dylan's parents our secret.


"We have some news that we were going to try and keep until after the wedding," Dylan began to explain, looking at me to make sure telling them was still okay.

"But," I continued for him. "We figured it might make everything more special."

I looked over at my mom and my heart sank. She was scrolling through her phone, most likely looking at dad's Instagram pictures of his newest conquest.

Dylan saw the look on my face and reached over to intertwine our fingers, giving my hand a reassuring squeeze.

"What is it?" Dylan's mom giggled excitedly.

"I'm pregnant."

Dylan's parents cheered and gave us both hugs. I couldn't hold in my laughter as his mom hugged me, let me go, and hugged me again. She pulled away, studied my face, and put her hand on my stomach.

"How far along are you? Do you know the gender yet? How are you feeling? Do you need to sit down? Can I get you anything? Oh my goodness, I am so excited," she squealed as she pulled me in for another hug.

Over her shoulder, I saw my mom finally look up from her phone. She looked around at us, confused at all the screaming.

"Wait, what?" She asked, standing up.

"I'm pregnant, mom." Tears filled my eyes as she tossed her phone onto the couch and wrapped me in a hug.

She pulled away and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. "Does your father know?"

When she found out that I hadn't told dad yet, she instantly forgot about the girl he was bringing. All she talked about for the next ten minutes was making sure no one told my father. Dylan tried to change it to not telling anyone, but my mother only focused on not telling her ex-husband.

As Dylan and I drove back to our apartment after telling our parents, I felt sicker than I had before we told them. I gasped when Dylan reached over and put his hand lovingly on my thigh.

"Y/N?" He said softly, trying to get my attention without scaring me. "You doing okay over there?"

"Not really," I sighed, running a hand through my hair before putting that hand on top of Dylan's. He grabbed my hand and brought it up to his lips, pressing a soft kiss to the top of it.

"Just think, in under a week, we will be married and on a beach in Fiji." I looked over at him to see him already staring at me. We were stopped at a red light so I leaned over and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips.

"Just three more days," I whispered.

"Just three more days."


I took a deep breath as my mom continued to ramble on about my dad's new girlfriend.

"Mom," my sister sighed as she finished pinning my bangs back.  "You're being a total drag." I bit my lip as Y/S/N carefully put my veil on.

"Sorry," my mom said, putting her hands up in defense. "It's just, did you see the dress she was wearing?"

"Mom," I said with tears threatening to spill. I stood up and quickly turned towards her, shocking everyone in the room. "Will you please forget about dad and focus on, oh I don't know, how about your daughter who is about to get married?!"

I grabbed a pile of fabric of my dress and started to leave the room. I gasped when my veil got caught on the door hinge. My eyes watered as I saw that it had torn.

"Y/N," my mother sighed, sounding like she was about to scold me.

"Don't," I said, leaving the room.

* * * * *

I quickly ducked into an empty classroom, glad that I had grabbed my phone at the last minute before storming out of my dressing room. There was only one person I wanted to see or talk to.

I reached for my phone and clicked on his contact. I fought back the frustrated and tired tears as I heard it ring.

"Hey," he said, in his usual cheery voice.

"Can you come here please?" I asked, hoping my voice wasn't shaky.

"Is this allowed?" He joked.

"No," I said my voice breaking. "But I'm allowing it. Just come here."

"Okay. I'll be right there, baby."

Part 2 Coming Soon

Dylan O'Brien ImaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang