Your Fault-Stiles Stilinski

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Stiles's POV

I nervously paced back and forth in the hospital hallway, eagerly waiting for the door to open. The longer it took for that door to open, the more nervous I got. The idea of losing her was too much to handle.

Our latest Supernatural fight was against a wendigo and it went wrong. Terribly wrong. Y/N and I were running through the school when he cornered us in the gym. I tried as hard as I could to protect her, but I wasn't strong enough.

It's my fault the wendigo hurt Y/N. It's my fault he threw her across the gym, almost breaking her back when she hit the bleachers. It's my fault I had to lay her down on the passenger side of my Jeep. It's my fault I carried her into the hospital, crying out for help. It's my fault Melissa had to stop me from following Y/N's bleeding body on the gurney as they rushed her into surgery.

My breath got caught in my throat when Melissa finally walked out of Y/N's room. I practically ran up to her, bouncing on my toes.

"Is she. . . How is. . . Can I. . ."

"Stiles," Melissa said gently grabbing my shoulders as she cut me off. "Y/N is going to be just fine."

"Really?" I asked, my voice getting caught in my throat.

"Yes," she smiled. My heart sank when her smile fell from her lips. "But it was a very close call. She's still severely hurt and will need weeks of physical therapy. I hate to say this, but Y/N is going to be in a lot of pain for the next little while. We were very close to losing her, Stiles."

Melissa patted me on the shoulder before turning around and heading to the nurse's station. I looked towards Y/N's room, my heart beating against my chest.

The only person I was angrier at than myself was Scott. I wouldn't be as mad if he was on the other side of town helping Derek fight one of the other wendigos that had shown up, but he wasn't. He was spending time with Kira. While he was making out with his girlfriend, my girlfriend was almost killed.

Right when we needed Scott the most, he wasn't there. And now Y/N is going to suffer because of him.

"How is she?"

I turned around, my anger building when I turned to see Scott walking over to me. Before I could stop myself, I angrily walked towards Scott and grabbed his shoulders. I shoved him against the wall before throwing him to the ground.

"Hey!" I ignored Melissa's call for security as I took out my anger on my best friend.

"This is your fault!" I yelled. Part of me was surprised that he didn't use his werewolf strength to kick me off of him. The other part of me was too angry to care.

I grunted as two security guards pulled us apart. They held me back as Melissa ran over to Scott and helped him up.

"You should've been there, Scott!" I yelled as I tore myself out of the security guards' hands, breathing hard as I glared at Scott. "And you weren't. Not only is she one of our best friends, but Y/N is the love of my life and because of you, I almost lost her."

"Wait, what?" Scott stuttered as he caught his breath.

I took a step towards him but stopped. "I love her, Scott. And because you were too busy with Kira, Y/N was almost killed. Do you realize that? Y/N and I needed you and you weren't there. The only reason Y/N is in the hospital is because of you."

* * * * *

I sat in the chair next to Y/N's bed, unable to tear my eyes away from her battered body, her breathing tube, the cast on her arm, the cuts, and the bruises. The only comforting thing was the steady beep coming from her heart monitor. The door opened and I instantly knew that Scott was behind me.

"I can't do what you do," I said softly, not turning towards him. "I don't have super-strength or super-speed. I can't fight the way you do. I can't even take away her pain."

I held my breath when he walked over to the other side of Y/N's bed. I kept my eyes on Y/N as Scott reached forward and put his hand on her arm. I watched as his veins turned black.

"See?" I said, barely audible. "I can't do that."

"Stiles," he sighed.

"I tried to protect her. But he. . . I wasn't strong enough. He hurt her and I couldn't do anything. And if. . . "

"If I was there, this wouldn't have happened." Scott finished for me. He sighed as he turned away from Y/N and towards me. "I'm sorry, Stiles. I wasn't there when you needed me and Y/N paid for it. I just want you to know that if she needs anything, I will do whatever it takes. I promise."

I finally looked up at him to see him staring at Y/N with regret in his eyes. He slowly looked away from her and towards me. "I really am sorry, Stiles."

"I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have tackled you."

"I deserved it," he shrugged, laughing slightly. His smile fell when he looked over at Y/N. "So, how is she? My mom told me she was pretty bad off."

"She had a lung transplant," I sighed, looking back over at Y/N. "Her ribs are broken and she has a concussion. Once she can breathe on her own, they can take her off the anesthesia and she should wake up."

"Do you want me to. . ."

I looked over at him when I realized he was asking my permission to give my girlfriend the bite. I looked over at her, weighing my options.

"Not yet," I said softly. "Unless she gets worse."

"Let me know," Scott nodded as he sat in the chair on the other side of Y/N's bed. I watched as he reached over and took more of her pain.

"How's it going in here?" We looked up to see Melissa in the doorway.

"Is she okay?" Scott asked.

"Don't worry, boys," she smiled as she looked between the two of us. "Y/N's going to be fine. How are you two doing?"

I looked over at Scott and sighed guiltily. "We're good."

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