Night Terrors-Thomas

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Thomas's POV

Ever since we got to the Safe Haven, I've noticed that everyone was a lot happier. We were slowly rebuilding, making sure to keep everyone safe. People were smiling, laughing, running around. It was almost like everything was back to normal.

Everything but me.

It seemed as if everyone else had moved on. But I couldn't. Every night, I lay awake thinking about Newt. There was never a night I didn't think of him.

I sighed as I kicked off my blanket and stood up, careful not to wake up anyone else in the hut. I stepped outside and took a deep breath. As I started to walk through camp, I thought I heard crying.

I walked slower, paying more attention to the soft whimpers. I followed the noise to one of the huts for female maze survivors. I peaked inside, instantly finding the source.

In the corner, there was a girl, tossing and turning. My heart sank as I heard her mumble incoherent words as she continued to toss and turn. I jumped away from the window when she quickly sat up. I held my breath, still hiding as I waited to see what she would do.

I peaked back into the hut to see her pull her knees up to her chest, tears streaming down her cheeks. I was tempted to go in and comfort her, but I realized how creepy that would be. It was already creepy that I was watching her. If I went inside the hut, I'd creep all the girls out.

I waited for her to lay back down, but she showed no signs of going back to sleep. After I decided it was officially cross the line that I was still watching her, I headed back to my hut.

I laid back down, but couldn't stop thinking about that girl.

* * * * *

The next morning, I was walking to breakfast when I saw the girl from last night. She had bags under her eyes, her hair was tossed to the side, and her arms were wrapped tightly around herself. I noticed how she always kept a few feet between her and the other girls.

I continued to watch throughout breakfast to see she was barely eating. When I looked closer, it was as if she has barely eaten anything since she got here. Her clothes were baggy and you could tell she had lost too much weight, too quickly.


I jumped when I felt Minho kick my foot under the table. I looked over to see Minho, Frypan, and Brenda watching me.

"You okay?" Brenda asked.

"Yeah," I stuttered. "I'm fine. Just didn't get a lot of sleep last night. I guess."

Frypan and Brenda went back to talking about a new group of people Vince had brought in, but Minho was still watching me. I sent him a reassuring smile before going back to slowly eating my breakfast, continually sending the girl soft glances.

I couldn't help but watch the girl. She never spoke to anyone, but she hung out with some of the girls from one of the other mazes. When my curiosity got the better of me, I found Sonya.

"Hey," I said, pulling her away from her job of gardening. "Can I talk to you for a second?"

"Sure," she shrugged as she stood up, wiped her hands on her pants, and followed me.

We walked a few steps away from the gardens so no one would overhear us. "Everything okay?" She asked when she saw the look on my face.

"Yeah," I said, reaching up and scratching the back of my neck. "I need to ask you kind of a weird question." I cleared my throat when she nodded for me to continue.

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