The New Greenie-Thomas

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I woke up before everyone else. I silently moved around the Glade, getting things ready for our new Greenie.

About an hour later, the other boys started waking up. I was currently gathering the needed supplies for the new kid when Newt walked over to me.

"You ready for today?" He asked. I nodded as I glanced over my shoulder at Gally. "I know that face," he laughed. "That's your Momma Bear Worry Face."

"Of course I'm worried," I sighed turning towards him. "You know how Gally and the Builders get whenever we get a new Greenie. They are mean and they bully him. All to create dominance over the new guy."

"Well," Newt sighed as he reached over and rubbed my arm reassuringly. "Then it's a good thing you're here to protect the helpless bastard."

We sent each other knowing looks as the alarm went off, signaling the Box was on its way up.

Newt and I jogged over to the Box, making our way to the edge. We waited as it came up. When it did, two guys reached down and opened the top. I sighed, sending Newt a look, as Gally jumped down into the Box.

"Day one, Greenie." He said getting in the new kid's face. "Rise and shine."

I shook my head disapprovingly as Gally grabbed the boy and practically threw him out of the box.

"Gally," I said harshly. He just looked up at me and shrugged.

I looked over when the new kid jumped up and started running. "We got ourselves a runner!" Zart laughed.

I crossed my arms over my chest when I noticed how fast this kid was. I glanced over at Minho to see him already looking at me, the same look on his face.

I looked back at the boy when the guys laughed, him now on the ground.

"Enough," I sighed as I walked through the crowd. "Get back to work. We've still got a lot to do before tonight."

"Should we put him in the pit?" Newt asked, nodding towards the boy who was slowly standing up.

I hesitated before shaking my head. I took a step forward but stopped when he grabbed my hand.

"What if he hurts you, Y/N? We should put him in there while you talk to him, just to make sure he calms down."

I looked over, and after seeing the look on Newt's face, nodded my head in agreement.

Newt and Minho jogged over and escorted him to the pit. As they walked past me, the new Greenie and I made eye contact. He looked over his shoulder, still holding my gaze.

* * * * *

After about twenty minutes, I decided he had calmed down enough. As I walked over, I laughed when I saw him looking around.


I sighed when he fell back as I knelt down, casting a shadow across his face.

"Hey there, Green Bean," I said with a smirk on my face. "You're not gonna run again. Okay?"

I waited to see his reaction before nodding. "Good," I said as I stood back up and opened the door.

"My name is Y/N," I smiled, introducing myself as I knelt back down. "Can you tell me anything about yourself? Who you are? Where you came from? Anything at all."

I watched as he tried to think. He looked at the ground, his breathing slowly getting heavier.

"No," he whispered, still not looking up.

"Can you tell me your name?" I tried to ask.

I waited patiently as he struggled. He took a shaky breath and stuttered, "I can't remember anything."

Dylan O'Brien ImaginesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora