Nightmare-Mitch Rapp

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Dedicated to ScorchedThomas2922

Mitch's POV

"So, what do I need to know about this guy?" I asked Hurley as we headed to the secret location we were holding our prisoner.

After chasing this assassin down for months, Hurley finally caught him. I've never actually seen him or heard his real name. Hurley just refers to him as "Nightmare", due to his ruthless reputation. The guy is known for getting a target and stopping at nothing to take that person down. If you believe the rumors, this guy is also like a steel trap. He's been kidnapped by almost every big name terrorist, gang, or drug lord and has escaped every single one of them.

When Hurley first started chasing Nightmare, he was always one step behind. It drove Hurley crazy. He's actually had the guy for a month, but Nightmare won't say a word. For some reason, Hurley wants me to try and get the guy to open up.

"The only thing you need to know is that Nightmare isn't a guy."

"Wait, what?" I couldn't help but scoff. "You mean to tell me that Nightmare, the ruthless assassin who leaves no survivors, is a girl?"

"Yes," Hurley said, sending me a side glare. "This girl is ruthless. Don't underestimate her. The second you do, she's already won."

I rolled my eyes as Hurley continued to drive down the dirt road. A few minutes later, we pulled up to an old, abandoned cabin.

"You've kept her here the past month?"

"Like I said," Hurley sighed as he got out of the car. "She is one tough bitch to crack."

"Then why do you think I'll be able to crack her?" I asked as we walked inside. He just smirked as he led us down the hallway.

"She's in the office. Good luck." There was something about the way he was looking at me that made me feel uneasy. He stopped a few feet from a door at the end of the hall. I sent him a hesitant look before turning back towards the door.

I hesitantly stepped into the room when I looked around. There was no furniture, except for an old desk and a single chair. In that chair, a girl was bent over, her hands tied to the armrests and her ankles tied to the legs.

When the door shut behind me, the girl started to stir. I puffed out my chest, rolling my shoulders as she lifted her head. When her eyes met mine, I felt like everything around us froze.



I ran over to her, ready to untie her, but I stopped. I stood up and took a step back. "You're Nightmare?" I asked, barely sounding audible as I stared down at my little sister, the assassin.

"If that's what their calling me," Y/N said with a slight laugh. The smile fell from her lips and she stopped laughing when she saw the look on my face. "Mitchy," she sighed.

"What the hell is going on, Y/N?" I asked, my anger rising. "The last I heard from you, you were at school in California."

"That was four years ago," she sighed.

"Exactly," I cut her off. "Four years and I haven't heard a word from you."

"Yeah, well, I haven't heard from you either," she scoffed.

"Katrina was killed."

Her eyes widened as she studied me, looking for any sign of a reaction. "That's why you're working for the CIA," she said more like a statement than a question.

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