Eyes on You-Mitch Rapp

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Do you ever feel like you are being watched?

As I've walked around campus, to and from my classes, I've had this strange feeling that someone has been following me. Whenever I turn around or look out the window or walk out of class, there is a hooded figure that follows me everywhere.

I was currently walking home with my headphones in when I noticed the same hood that has been following me around all day was now right in front of me.

I narrowed my eyes as I started following him down the street. I held my breath as I noticed him start to turn around. I froze in place when I saw who was under the hood.

"It can't be," I gasped out. He looked at me for a second before turning down another street. I fixed the strap of my bag as I picked up my pace.

When I turned the same corner he did, I felt adrenaline flowing through my veins as I searched the crowd. My heart jumped into my throat when I noticed him a few feet in front of me. I weaved my way through the crowd.

As I got closer to the boy I haven't seen since we were fourteen, I reached towards him. I grabbed his shoulder and turned him around.

"Mitch," I said my voice getting caught in my throat.

"Hey, Y/N." He said, sending me his show-stopping smile. I looked at him, unable to form words. I opened and closed my mouth completely unaware of the hundreds of people passing the two of us, sending us weird looks.

Part of me was excited to see him again while the other part was angry with him. After he moved away, we kept in touch. We sent emails, texts, the occasional phone call, almost daily. But then all of a sudden it stopped.

I would try to reach out to him but he would never respond. Soon after, I would get messages back saying that the number was no longer in service.

Without saying a word, I turned on my heel and started to walk away. I quickly walked away from him as I felt my eyes burn from holding back tears. I heard him trying to catch up to me but that just made me pick up my pace.

As the tears started to stream down my cheeks, I started sprinting away. "Y/N!" He yelled out, surprised by my sudden mood change.

I was almost home when I felt two arms wrap around my waist. "Whoa," he hummed as I tried to fight him off. "Just take it easy."

"Let go of me," I said only half-heartedly trying to get away from him.

"Come on, Y/N." He sighed.

"No," I said finally getting out of his grasp. "You can't just. . . After all this time. . . How can you. . ." I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

When I opened them again, the tears were gone. "You left me," I said with no emotion. "You just left me. We agreed that we would always stay in touch but we didn't. You didn't."

"I'm sorry," he tried to say. I scoffed causing him to quickly close his mouth.

"Six years."

He looked at me confused, waiting for me to explain. "Six years since you stopped returning my calls, answering my texts. Six years since you fell off the face of the earth. What were you doing? Where the hell were you?"

He opened his mouth to explain, but I cut him off. "Actually, I don't care. I don't care because whatever you were doing or wherever you were, it was obviously more important than keeping some dumbass promise to your shitty childhood best friend. Stay the hell away from me, Mitch."

I turned on my heel and started walking away but stopped when Mitch grabbed my wrist, spinning me back around.

"Y/N, wait. Please," he pleaded. The look in his eyes made my heart ache but I quickly remembered the pain he caused me.

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