Not The Average Girl- Stuart Twombly

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Stuart's POV

Three years ago, Y/F/N Y/L/N went through the internship trials. She got the internship and that turned into a full-time graphic designing job.

This past summer, I went through the internship trails with my group. By some miracle, we got the internship.

And now, I'm interning in the office next door to hers. Which means I see her every single day.

It's torture. . . Well, sort of.

Every day I see her and she's practically perfect. But, of course, she has no idea who I am. I've tried the whole Hallmark level "meet cute" by accidentally bumping into her. But instead of looking up and falling in love with me, she stutters a sorry, picks up her stuff, and scurries off to some meeting.

My interning group and I were currently sitting outside eating lunch when something across the Google campus caught my eye. I froze when I saw Y/N walking back into the office as she rummaged through her bag. I smiled as she was somehow able to grab a file, read through it, write notes, and walk without bumping into anyone.

I jumped out of the trance she put me in when I felt something hit my head. I turned around to see my group smirking at me.

"Damn," Nick said under his breath. "You've got it bad for Ms. Y/N, huh?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," I stuttered and cleared my throat before going back to eating my lunch.

"We all know, Stuart," Billy said, glancing around our table. I looked at all of their knowing looks, finally giving in.

"Okay, fine," I sighed. "But it doesn't matter. She's completely oblivious to any advancement I try to make towards her."

"Have you ever thought that, maybe, she isn't the kind of girl who goes for guys who have "moves"? Maybe Y/N isn't the kind of girl who goes for the douchy ladies man type?" Neha shrugged.

"Yeah," Nick added. "Have you thought about simply asking her out?"

"Are you kidding?" I scoffed. "She'd think I was a complete stalker freak."

"Aren't you?" Yo-yo said slightly under his breath. The whole group laughed at his comment as I rolled my eyes.

"Stuart," Neha sighed once everyone had calmed down. "You say she's ignored all your "passes", but why not try something you've never done before?"

"And what's that?" I sighed.

"Just talk to her," she said, laughing slightly. "Go up to her, introduce yourself, and start a friendship. If she's like most girls, Y/N would rather have a relationship that came from a friendship than one that came from a pickup line."

* * * * *

It's been a few days since my friends found out I have a crush on Y/N. They don't tease me about it. Instead, whenever we see her, they send me sympathetic looks.

I was in the copier room alone when someone walked in. I bit my lip when I looked over my shoulder to see Y/N walking in with her arms full of papers.

Someone bumped into her, making everything she had in her hands fall. "Great," she said under his breath.

I didn't hesitate to lean down and help her start picking up the papers. "Thanks," she sighed. "I swear, people in this office can be so rude."

"I know," I said, chuckling. "Always focused on what they're doing, not on what's going on around them."

I held my breath as she slowly looked up at me. I sucked in a breath when she smiled at me. We slowly stood back up, our arms full of her papers. She smiled as I carefully handed my armful over to her.

Dylan O'Brien ImaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon