Kidnapped Part 4-Mitch Rapp

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Mitch's POV

"I got your back."

I nodded as we headed inside the warehouse. I took a deep breath before opening the door. We entered the room, guns raised. My heart sank when I saw the dust, dirt and water damage.

I rolled my shoulders, ignoring the sideways glance from Hurley. He let me take lead as we walked through the building. Each room was filthier than the one before.

"Is it just me or is the place too empty?" I mumbled.

"Rapp," Hurley whispered. I looked over at him and saw him gesturing towards a door. "Basement."

He put his hand on the doorknob and counted to three before swinging the door open for me. With my gun still raised I entered the room. I froze in the doorway when I saw Y/N tied to a chair, unconscious.

I was about to take a step towards her when Hurley grabbed my shoulder and stopped me. "What?" I practically growled at him. He looked over at Y/N, then back at me and shook his head.

"There's too much blood," he whispered. I looked over at Y/N and noticed how pale she was. Her waitress uniform was covered in blood, her shirt torn revealing a cut across her chest, and her shorts were drenched in blood.

Her arms and legs were covered in fresh blood and bruises. I could see the rope burns on her ankles and wrist from the doorway. Her lip was busted and she had a bruise forming over her right eye.

"Son of a. . ." I mumbled. "Cover me." I put my gun in the waistband of my pants and ran over to her. I kneeled in front of her, ignoring the blood, Y/N's blood, staining my pants. I reached up and pressed my fingers to her neck. I let out a sigh of relief when I felt her weak pulse against my skin.

"Y/N?" I whispered my voice getting caught in my throat. "Baby?"

I held my breath as she started to stir. When she woke up, she jumped thinking I was going to hurt her. "Y/N, it's me," I said quickly, trying to calm her down.

"Mitch?" Her voice came out weak and scratchy.

"It's me, baby. I'm right here." I reached down and untied her ankles. I looked up at her to see tears streaming down her cheeks.

"It was Nick," she said, her voice breaking. "He did this to me."

"Hey," I whispered, cupping her cheek and catching a tear with my thumb. "It's going to be okay. I promise." I reached down and untied her wrists. I carefully and slowly helped her stand up.

She took a step forward, but gasped in pain and collapsed. I easily caught her and pulled her protectively into my chest. "It's okay," I whispered, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. "I got you."

"He kept asking me what I knew, but I didn't know anything," she sobbed into my chest. I rubbed circles on her back as her tears soaked the front of my shirt.

She pulled away and looked up at me. My heart sank when I saw her tears mix with the dirt and blood on her face. "I didn't say anything, I promise."

"Hey," I shushed her, cupping her cheek. "It's okay, baby. I trust you."

"I'm so sorry," she sobbed. I leaned down and gently pressed my lips to hers. We pulled apart when we heard a crash coming from upstairs. "It's him. It's almost time."

"Time for what, baby?"

"Another questioning," she said as she shook in my arms. "He yells questions at me and when I don't know the answers, he hits me."

"I won't let that happen, Y/N. I promise. He is never going to touch you again."

"That's a great promise, Rapp. But we should get her out of here, before Hannigan comes back."

"You're right," I nodded looking at Hurley. When we made eye contact, I saw something that I have never seen before.

He smiled.

"Don't worry, Ms. Y/N. We'll get you home safe."

"Thank you," she said, leaning her head on my chest. I nodded in appreciation as Hurley started to lead us out of the building. We only ran into a few guys that Hurley instantly took down.

When we got to the car, Hurley jumped in the drivers seat while I sat in the back with Y/N. I felt her shaking next to me as Hurley started the car and quickly drove away. I scooted closer, pulled her into my chest, and kissed the top of her head.

"I got you," I whispered. "And I promise that I will never let this happen to you again."

She leaned back and looked up at me. "I love you," she smiled.

"I love you too," I said pressing my lips to hers. We pulled apart and I pulled her back into my chest. I looked up and noticed Hurley watching us from the rearview mirror.

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