Chapter 55

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Layla's POV

"Ha ha I killed you all!" I cheer, laughing hysterically.

"Doesn't really count when you've confiscated all our controllers." Curly boy states, humorously who's name turns out to be Jimmie.

"Yeah because you guys already reached your winning limit, I haven't won any yet." I continue to push at the stick things on my controller, moving my character around the dead bodies.

"It seems like your character has some walking impairment."

"Shut up, Matt." I roll my eyes, as the other boys begin to chuckle.

"AAAAAAAGH!" I scream when a zombie pops up in front me, quickly swirling my character around and making a run for it.

"Why you running? you pussy." Matt snorts with laughter.

"Leave me alone!" I shriek at the TV, when I see the green monster following me.

"Matt do something!" I shove the controller at him, his hand reaches out, but he misses as it hits the ground.


But it's too late, the zombie had already killed me.

"You're so useless Matt." I glare at him, as he continues to laugh.

I slump back against the couch, with a scowl.

"Nice try, kiddo." I feel someone ruffle my hair.


"Tag, you're it!"

I whack Matt's back, with a laugh, quickly turning away, running down his stairs, jumping twice at a time, before running over to the living room, but as soon as my hand touches the knob I feel a whack on my head.

"OWWW!" I growl, whipping my head to see a smirking Matt.

"You're it." With that he turns and makes his way to the kitchen.

"NO I'M NOT!" I yell, heading for the stairs again.

"Bruh." I hear him grunt, as I dash up the stairs.

"You guys still playing that shit?" I hear a chuckle, and my eyes snap up to Jimmie, standing against the threshold of maybe Matt's room.

"Yeah and–" I cut myself off when I hear a crashing sound downstairs, my eyes widening.

"Shit, what was that?" Jimmie curses as he walks over to the stairs.

I check my watch and see that its nearly nine. Shit. I've been here for four hours.

I walk over and follow Jimmie down, we stop when we see Killian at the door, his face showing nothing but fury, as he stares down at Matt.

"Who the fuck is that?" Jimmie mutters, which catches Killian's attention and he snaps his gaze to us, his eyes landing on him then me, his nostrils flaring.

He shoves Matt away as he storms his way towards me and I gulp.

"Dude it was all my fault, I asked–" Matt begins.

"Shut up." Killian spits as his hand wraps around my wrist.

"I'm sorry." I say, as he begins to pull me out of the door and to the car.

We both enter the car and he starts the engine.

A few minutes pass before I break it.

"Killian?" I glance towards him, as we drive through the dark night.

He doesn't respond as he continues to stare on the road.

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