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"I'm bored." The childish boy moaned, as he wriggled around in his seat, tugging at the uncomfortably tight seatbelt that held him down. His sister smacked his hands causing him to release the belt.

"Leave it alone, we've only got a few more hours. You'll live." The girl responded with her usual monotone voice, her expression showed nothing but disinterest in everything going on around her. After a humph from the silver haired boy he settled into his seat.

A sigh of relief escaped the brunettes rosy lips after her brother fell asleep. She loved him with all her being, however, sometimes he could be a bit much. The situation that surrounded her close friend's family concerned her, however she had long before this learnt people take advantage of you when you show cracks in a calm demeanour. The only one she needed was her brother, or so she thought. Her emotions had been thoroughly put to the side for most of her life and whilst she saved a space in her concealed heart for her brother and some lucky few such as Carlisle, she remained stoic on the outside.

Her brother, on the other hand, was quite the opposite. He always held a playful smirk or proud expression across his face. Always cracking jokes and putting smiles on people's faces through his childish actions. He showed when he was upset or happy or scared, which his sister both greatly admired and looked upon with such overwhelming distaste. She thought in some situations, his dramatics were unneeded and could become his downfall if he wasn't careful. She found his innocence endearing and would do anything to protect it. She knew many would exploit his emotional nature, usually to get to her which had happened in the past, only adding to her distaste for most of humanity.

She leans against the small oval window of the plane they had been fortunate enough to get a ticket for last minute. She was of course looking forward to seeing her old friend again but had hoped it would have been under better circumstances. The brunette watched the small dots of cars and buildings drift away as darkness set across the far away landscape. Lights went on one by one creating specks of gold across a blanket of darkness like thousands of fireflies. The sight calmed her slightly, relieving her mind of the stresses of what may lie ahead.

The brown eyed girl looked out at the scenery that quickly changed below her causing the trip to blur together and before she knew it, it was over.

The bumpy landing startled the silver haired boy awake causing him to look around with a dazed look before he adjusted to his surroundings again.

"We're already here?" He mumbled under his breath with a croaky voice from his now dried out throat. He looked across to the brunette and smiled at her, causing the ends of her mouth to twitch upwards slightly. He looked away releasing a silent sigh. He hadn't seen her smile properly since the death of their parents, he always tried to cheer her up and, much to his dismay, always failed.

He unbuckled his seatbelt as they became stationary and moved into the aisle of the plane. The brown eyed boy reached up to the overhead compartment to swing down the single black suitcase that they had brought with them in their frenzy. He looked over to his sister and sent her a curt nod as they made their way off the plane.

Their faces were bombarded by cold air that felt like blades against their skin. Goosebumps spread across their skin in a wave of cold. They both stomped clumsily down the metal stairs connected to the plane before reaching the concrete and hurriedly scurrying with the group of tourists and locals as they all rush towards the doors leading into the airport.

The twins escaped the crowd once they entered the building, silently appreciating the warmth they had entered. They followed the signs towards the exit, anxious to see Carlisle again. White tiled corridors that seemingly lasted forever slowly came to an end as they reached the large room of car rental stalls and cafés. Two pairs of brown eyes scanned across the crowd until they came across a familiar pair of golden ones.

"Carlisle, it's good to see you." The brunette exclaimed with a slightly more lifted tone than her usual bored drawl. She wrapped her slim, pale arms around his torso in a soft embrace which he lovingly returned.

"It's good to see you too." The blonde looks over to the silver haired boy. "The both of you, I just wish it were under better circumstances." His perfect face crinkled as his brows furrowed.

"We'll do anything we can to help." The brown eyed girl assured him with a forced small smile that hid her underlying concern.

"You do know that you shall be known by the Volturi after this?" Carlisle's angelic voice wavers ever so slightly and yet both twins immediately pick up on their friends guilt.

The brunette shrugs. "It's fine, it's not like we could've hidden ourselves forever anyway." The blonde smiles hesitantly.

"There are so many friends of mine that I'd love for you to meet, however, some of them are-"

"Blood drinkers, we know. I'm pretty sure we can handle ourselves." The brow eyed boy chuckles at his sisters words which seems to calm their tense friend.

After some small talk was passed back and forth between the trio they headed out of the building and towards a sleek black car owned by the blonde. The blonde opened a black car door to the back seat as the twins shifted inside. The angelic male closed the door swiftly once the two were sat, entering the drivers seat before starting up the car.

Something wicked this way comes [witch twins mates] {avengers/twilight}Where stories live. Discover now