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After a long car journey filled with both laughs and nervous tension the twins and the blonde doctor arrived at the modern house which Carlisle and his family called home. Carlisle drove the sleek black car into the roomy garage, parking it next to the wide array of modern cars comfortably as the garage door closed behind them.

"Thank you two again so much for coming." The blonde spoke with his angelic tone holding a sincere expression upon his flawless face.

"It is fine, Carlisle. You are practically family to us." The brunette spoke in her usual emotionless steady tone, the edges of her soft pink lips twitching upwards ever so slightly. As soon as the reassuring words had left her lips a big smile spread across Carlisle's face causing his golden eyes to sparkle. The blonde gave a curt nod towards the twins, his wide smile remaining fixed upon his expression before turning towards the door that led to the rest of the house where blood drinkers and 'vegetarians' alike awaited the new arrivals eagerly.

Carlisle's pale hand pushed open the door causing many pairs of golden and red eyes to quickly move towards the source of the sudden sound. The soft rumble of chatter that had once filled the Cullen's residence quickly silenced as the twins slowly entered the main hallway close behind their old friend. The female twin cautiously scanned the crowd of vampires before her, seeing red eyes slowly turn black causing her hands to twitch in anticipation of having to defend her and her brother from the blood drinkers.

Carlisle raised his pale hand as a calming gesture to everyone before clearing his throat, attracting all attention to be had in the room to be drawn towards him.

"Everyone, this is Pietro and Wanda Maximoff. They are here to witness." Carlisle's soft voice rang out, practically echoing in the silence.

"Why have you brought humans? What use could they be against the Volturi?" An Irish voice hissed, shattering the silent tension that had been steadily building after the doctor's words.

The blonde responded by simply gesturing towards the pair with a slight glimmer of an unidentifiable emotion building behind his golden eyes. Both of the two knew what Carlisle was inferring that they do and nodded. The brunette took a deep breath in as her brother simply stood with a cocky expression and ever growing smirk. The twins nodded to each other and in an instant the silver haired boy had taken off through an open door leading to the woods, a trail of silver in his path, and the brunette had a red glowing energy wrapping around her fingers, with movement as fluid as running water. The red energy slowly moved outwards causing the startled vampires to move backwards. The energy slowly wrapped around a pencil that had been laying upon a glass coffee table, lifting it as Wanda's fingers twitched and her eyes flowed a deep red before a smooth movement of the brunette's hands causing the wood to be crushed, slowly falling to the floor as a powder as the red energy retracted and returned to the one who controlled it.

All of the audience of vampires had stood with mouths gaping only to gasp as the brother returned holding an Eiffel Tower mini statue in one hand and a taco in the other. His sister rolled her eyes as he began to ram the taco down his throat in a particularly rushes manner causing the brunette twin to groan with disgust.

Carlisle smiled towards them, filling with pride at the pair he considered to be his children.

The twins sat upon a white sofa in the living room as their old friend introduced each of the vampires to them. Both of them nodded and smiled to be polite although you could see in their eyes their focus was far away from the current place they found themselves.

Slowly, things went back to the way they were before Wanda and Pietro had entered the Cullen's home. Whilst Pietro has begun to chat with everyone in the house, flirting with every female in sight, his sister remained on the sofa, avoiding conversation. She had always been the more reserved of the two. She seemed also to be uncaring however she kept a trained eye upon her brother especially during his conversations with blood drinkers. She was happy he had took to the situation immediately and found, dare she think it, friends among this odd group but she didn't trust anyone and certainly not those who would without a second thought drain her and her brother dry.

She remained tense for the whole night even as she slept, mentally preparing herself for what was to come the following day. Although, she could not possibly have prepared for what truly was to come as there would be something, or rather two someone's that she and her brother would meet upon the battlefield.

Something wicked this way comes [witch twins mates] {avengers/twilight}Where stories live. Discover now