Settling in

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Later that same day, the twins were introduced to all of the guard members deemed relevant enough by Aro. None of them seemed terribly keen on either twin until Pietro used his charm, of course. Whilst the looming fate of her and her brother held its grip firmly on the brunette, her brother remained as happy and careless as ever as if it was just another normal day. The silver haired boy acted as if he and his sister weren't surrounded by human blood drinkers that could drink them dry in an instant. Wanda both admired his bravery and saw it as incredible stupidity.

The brunette had kept to herself, watching her brother from afar; sending warning glares towards the vampires who got to close. She had found out she was mated to Alec and her brother to Jane however she retained her constant emotionless state, not making any effort to get to know her mate. Although Alec would not like to admit it, he was wounded by this. Nevertheless he let Wanda be, partly due to his concerns over her not wanting to know him and partly due to his own shy demeanour. Alec and his sister had never been very sociable although the blonde was more so than her brother, able to initiate conversation and taunt those who she saw fit. Alec did greatly admire his sister. He, however, did not have any desire to 'follow in her footsteps'.

Many awkward glances were shared between Alec and Wanda, neither initiating anything but both observing each other with intrigue in their eyes. The brown eyed boy saw this and inwardly chuckled as he noticed how alike the two seemed to be, at least in their approach to conversation which was avoid them like the plague. He wished to talk to Jane and had tried to bring himself to a few times but he remained rather intimidated by her. The blonde may have been half his size but she certainly wasn't to be tested.

After this mostly awkward situation had come to the peak of tension, Aro interrupted by proposing that Jane show Pietro to his room and Alec would be to show Wanda to her chambers. The two sets of twins hesitantly agreed to Aro's suggestion.

Wanda was wary for her brother, reluctant to leave him alone with a blood drinker and Pietro's worries were much the same for his sister. Still, they both went of with their respective partners as they were shown to their rooms. Conversation began quickly with Pietro and Jane as his bubbly personality shone through, bringing a smile to the blonde's pale face. However, with Wanda and Alec it remained, for the most part, silent. Mostly comfortable but partly not. Both had the urge to speak but not the confidence to. They arrived at the door where the brunette girl would be staying, both her and the dark haired boy remaining stiff. His red eyes scanned her face carefully, taking in every detail.

"Well, this is your room. If you need anything in the room down the corridor on the right, second room across." The ruby eyed boy spoke cautiously, breaking the long held silence between the two. He was hopeful that he may hear the mysterious brunette's voice again as he had only heard it on the clearing the day his coven stood against the Cullen's. It felt like years ago although he new it had not even been a day. Alec faced disappointment when all he received in response was a stiff nod as the brown eyed girl turned to enter the room, her hand on the door handle. Slowly, the dark haired boy turned away, beginning to walk back to the throne room holding a disheartened expression.

"Thank you." The sound was angelic in the red eyed boy's ears, it was so quiet that had he been human he may not have heard it. The sound of her voice had shocked him so much that he abruptly stopped in his tracks, remaining still until he heard a door open and close behind him. Steadily, he began to walk again, a smile firmly on his expression now.

Pietro had made the blonde laugh all the way to the room, his charm winning her over immediately. The ruby eyed girl had not viewed herself with such a person however, now she was talking with him it seemed to make perfect sense although she couldn't say why. Jane had always viewed herself being with someone quiet and reserved that left her to her own devices and yet she received the opposite. She couldn't say she was disappointed as she wasn't, she could merely say she was confused. She was, however, disappointed once the pair came to a stop before the door to the silver haired boy's room.

"I am just down the hall if you need anything, just knock. I'll either be there or in the throne room with the masters." Jane's soft voice rung out like wind chimes.

"I'll be sure to." Pietro responded, a cheeky smirk plastered across his face and the blonde was sure that had she been human she would've blushed at every smirk he had given her. The red eyed girl nodded curtly before walking away, the only noise being the clicking of her heels beneath her and her mate's gentle heartbeat.

The silver haired twin watched his mate leave, sighing with happiness before opening the door and entering his room after she was no longer in sight. Perhaps, being in the Volturi wouldn't be so bad after all.

Something wicked this way comes [witch twins mates] {avengers/twilight}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin