Battlefield romance

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The Maximoff twins found the tales of wars that had long since passed entertaining as each vampire sat around the campfire joining the conversation. Of course, neither twin could really contribute to this discussion as they had never been interested in war and whilst they were intended to be used as weapons of war, they were never put into action. Each word that left the blood drinkers' cold lips seemed to be more interesting and thrilling than the last.

Although the brown eyed girl found each story to be extremely intriguing, she certainly wasn't as invested as her brother who sat on the literal edge of his seat, or rather log. She found her attention drawn to the winter scenery around the small group; each branch was coated in a thin layer of snow which made up a small portion of the perfect landscape. As the entrancing nature around her filled her focus entirely the story telling of those around the campfire became mere mumbles, drowned out by the delicate sound of the gentle breeze. However, no matter how much pleasure this brought the brunette, Wanda Maximoff kept her lips in a tight line, her face void of emotion.

The peaceful scene before her was almost a breath of fresh air for the scarlet witch as she and her brother had been previously so tense for the upcoming possible battle, and for what would happen afterwards. She was well aware that the Volturi 'collected' rare and powerful abilities and wondered what fate her and her brother may receive. Would they be punished or forced to join the coven that threatened to destroy the family of someone they saw as a father figure?

The brown eyed twin let out a gentle sigh, her breath forming a white cloud in front of her pale face. It was at that moment she decided to push away her worries, for now at least. She brought her attention back towards the tranquility of the forest they camped within, awaiting with anxiety the next day.

Wanda awoke to her brother sitting beside her sleeping bag, looking down at her.

"So sleeping beauty has finally awoken then, has she?" Pietro spoke in his usual playful tone, with his oh-so-familiar smirk as if no great darkness loomed over the both of them. The silver haired boy slowly stood and left the tent to allow his sister time to awaken fully.

He was always good at pretending everything was fine when it wasn't, Wanda reckoned that even if he were told today was the end of the world he would've still kept his carefree manner and acted in much the same way as he did that morning, the morning both of their lives were to drastically change.

After having stretched and yawned a fair amount, the brunette slowly and clumsily pulled herself out of the tent she and her brother had shared the previous night.

The bright light of the outside world pierced her brown eyes causing her arm to rapidly move upwards to cover her eyes. A soft groan left her throat before she stood up straight and neatened her clothes before walking over to where the Cullen clan and their guests had congregated. Her brother smiled upon seeing her, his brown eyes immediately brightening. Slowly, Wanda moved to join him, walking by his side as the vampires and wolves approached the clearing that held a carpet of white covering the plants that desperately tried to reach through it to touch the sun's rays once again.

"The red coats are coming, the red coats are coming." A man whom Wanda believed was called Garrett started muttering, bringing her attention to the other side of the clearing where a line of people in black robes approached them slowly, oozing authority and power with every step they took.

Both of the twins scanned their eyes across the group that approached them so steadily, assessing them in any way they could to calm the growing nerves that threatened to overpower the both of them. The group stopped suddenly before swiftly, in perfect sync, pulled their hoods down exposing each of their perfect faces. Almost immediately both Wanda and Pietro's gazes we're slowly pulled to two pairs of glowing sapphire eyes like magnets; the beauty of the beholders of those stunning eyes entrancing them both. The twins stared into the eyes as the piercing red eyes stared back in both wonder and curiosity. The twins heard a gasp which broke their trance as they turned to the source finding Edward with an expression showing both shock and worry causing both of the twins to look back with utter confusion.

What had just happened?

Something wicked this way comes [witch twins mates] {avengers/twilight}Where stories live. Discover now