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The brunette newborn let out a cry before letting her power explode out of her. Red wisps floated through the air before slowly disappearing. Heavy breathing was all that could be heard by the now red eyed girl as she desperately and greedily took in oxygen. She supposed she was trying to convince herself she had retained some humanity, or maybe she hoped that if she took in enough oxygen it would magically transform her back into her old human self. She knew it was pointless and yet she kept breathing, panting almost.

Almost all at once her mind was flooded, her subconscious demanding she run away from this place whilst her heart screamed at her to stay put with her mate. Her slim fingers rubbed her temples in slow gentle circles as she sighed. She knew what she had to do.

Wanda took an unnecessary deep breath in before running through the open door to the corridor. She kept running, picking up speed as she passed guard after guard, a string of vampires following her. The brunette picked up the pace, willing her legs to move faster as fear bubbled up within her like a volcano dangerously close to erupting and yet she kept running.

Soon after, the brunette spotted the large doors that led to the outside world and her once disgust filled ruby red eyes were now filled with determination and hope.  She was going to make it.

Then suddenly, she saw a flash of silver and heard the voice of someone she had dreaded the thought of running into during this escapade. "Wanda? What are you doing?"

The brunette girl's breath caught in her throat as the heavy weight of guilt grew in her stomach. Wanda took in a quivering breath to steady her nerves that built along side the tension between the two, brother and sister standing face to face.

"Get out of my way Pietro." She spoke in her usual calm monotone voice, although quieter than usual.

"Wanda?" Her silver haired brother stuttered out and Wanda knew, whilst she so wished that she didn't in that moment know her brother so well, that had he been human he would have been crying by now. Because of her. Although no tears filled his now red eyes. Those red eyes were the sign of a monster, red eyes that she had grown to despise; here they were upon her brother who looked so pathetically upon his sister in desperation. He knew he could not stop his sister and yet he persisted, approaching her.

The brunette girl clenched her fists knowing what had to be done to achieve freedom from this house of horrors and she didn't like it. Not one bit.

A chilling scream of pain left her lips as she released her power, red sparks flying out of her body as she swung her arms outwards. In that quick second her brother had been catapulted into the stone wall to the left side of the two, promptly shattering the stones as though they were nothing more than paper. The silver haired boy's body rolled over as a disgruntled moan of pain came from his mostly motionless form. The oh-so-familiar blonde came in running and cradled the groaning figure of her brother, soon to be joined by her dark haired brother who looked up in shock at his mate. Although, Alec was not entirely shocked as he knew and understood the small, quivering brunette's emotions more than he would like to admit. The fear and the longing for freedom that could so easily consume a fragile mind, especially when it was so close to breaking in the first place. A new wave of guilt overtook him as he watched his mate slowly open the towering doors and slip into the shadows of night. He couldn't bring himself to stop her, after all he was the cause for this. He should have said it was too early to turn her and yet, like a coward, he couldn't face his master and ask for even a week more. He knew it was pointless to dwell on this now though as there was no going back now. What was done was done and it had cost him what was left of his cold, still heart.

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