Threats and betrayal

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Wanda had been staying with the Cullens for around a week. She had grown to love their home and it's inhabitants almost as much as she loved her brother. They felt like a second family. But little did she know there was a darkness on the horizon ready to tear her illusion of happiness down in an instant.

The Cullens and the small brunette returned from hunting animals, her once red eyes now golden. They shared laughs between them unaware of what awaited them within their house.

The Cullens and their newfound family member streamlined into the house before stopping abruptly at the sight within.

"Hello Carlisle, I see you have taken something that belongs to me." The high pitched voice was like nails on a chalkboard to Wanda except now she felt each word like a dagger piercing deeper into her still heart.

"Aro, she does not belong to you." The blonde doctor spoke calmly, although his family could see the worry building in his golden eyes.

A smile crept onto the shortest of the Volturi kings as he let out a shrill laugh before raising his right hand. His expression now falling into a stern one of cold command.

Instantaneously all of the Cullens were grabbed by a Volturi guard, Wanda felt powerless to stop them as in that moment she felt as though she had returned to the moment she saw her parents die as she embraced her little brother. She thought that both she and her brother would die and she felt as helpless then as she did now. The brunette realised at once that she was not a helpless little girl anymore as she raised her hands which now had glowing red wisps of energy surrounding them, ready to attack to save her family. But before she could use her powers to save her friends a flash of silver entered her vision just before she felt herself thrown into a wall. She dropped her hands as she observed the cracks upon her skin like cracks on ancient pottery.

Wanda attempted to move to attack but she was held back as she heard a familiar voice.

"Wanda no, come home, with me. Don't make us do this." The brunette's golden eyes widened at the familiar voice, recognising it as her brothers as soon as it reached her ears. But before Wanda could reply the black haired king let out another laugh as he clasped his hands in joy. His striking gaze soon turned from the scene of his success to the quivering form of the newly 'vegetarian' vampire.

"Now, join us, or the Cullen coven will be no more." Every word he spoke widened his Cheshire Cat grin whilst simultaneously stabbing more and more at Wanda's heart. If she were human she knew she would have been at the very least tearing up in this moment. The brunette girl felt as if she had been paralysed as she looked upon her, as she considered them to be, family who all held faces of steely determination.

"Fine. Just don't hurt them." Wanda spoke with a quivering voice causing even more joy to spread across the face of the demented king before her. Aro raised his hand once again and all of the Cullens were released causing the brunette to let out a sigh of relief. The kings then walked to the door gesturing for the golden eyed girl to follow. She stood with weak legs that now felt as though they couldn't support her body; her walk over to the door was similar to the walk of a baby deer as it first learns to walk. Whilst she did not see him, Wanda knew her brother was following behind her and she hated the amount of joy that was practically radiating from him at this moment.

Wanda had made up her mind that this was not her brother anymore. This was a demon in place of him as her brother would never do anything like this. Wanda's gaze held a burning rage as she glared at the ground she walked on, wanting nothing more than to tear the Volturi to shreds. They were all demons. Blood thirsty demons who had ripped her away from her only chance of a somewhat normal and happy life. She would never forgive what they nor her brother nor her mate for what they had done. If she ever got the chance to destroy the Volturi she would take it with no hesitation.

The Volturi had let a ticking time bomb into their home and they were sure going to regret it.

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