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After the two newborns had drained the receptionist dry who had unfortunately gotten a paper cut they simply stood. Looking between themselves and their hands in disgust. They now had that poor receptionists bloody life on their bloody hands. They knew that they would have to drink from humans but they didn't expect it to be immediately, and certainly Pietro didn't anticipate the huge wave of guilt that came over him, settling as a weight within his very soul. That was, if he even still had a soul.

The newborns' mates approached them steadily, each click of their heels putting the two new vampires more and more on edge. Seeing the look of utter disgust within the now red eyes that once were not caused both of the older Volturi's members to flinch. Perhaps disgust was only a natural feeling to follow the scene that had played out, however it still hurt the two even if the disgust wasn't entirely aimed towards them it was a result of their previous actions. Guilt was not something either of the witch twins were accustomed to feeling although for entirely different reasons. The newborns because they had never harmed a person before, the experiences vampires because they had never held enough empathy for people to feel bad for their tortuous actions.

Hatred burned like a fire within the four present vampires, some with self hatred, some with hatred for others, and some with hatred for both themselves and others. But within the brunette girl bubbled a once dormant emotion. Absolute rage. She felt angry at her brother whom had so willingly strolled into this decision without considering her feelings, she felt angry at her mate who had turned her, she felt angry at her mate's blonde sister who seemed so eager to sentence her brother to this fate and, most of all, she was angry at herself for what she had just done.

Before a word could be spoken, Wanda abruptly walked away, headed down a corridor towards her room, no, the room with which she was currently staying in. It was not her room, this was not her home and this was not how she wanted to live her life.

It was at that moment that she knew exactly what had to be done.

The three that had been left by the brunette girl storming out stood in an awkward silence. Slowly, the blonde embraced her silver haired mate, nuzzling him and whispering words of comfort.

The dark haired boy simply stood, not knowing what to do with himself. Perhaps he should have stopped her, or at least made some attempts to stop her. She wasn't ready to jump straight into her first kill. He feared his sister and his decision may have lost him the one he wished to spend the rest of eternity with.

Perhaps, had they known the consequences of standing idly by they might have acted differently. Although no one can see the future, aside from a small pixie like girl who now reached into the future, her gasp promptly causing the actions of the Cullen household to stop.

"What is it Alice?" A thick southern accent spoke from beside her.

"It's Wanda. She... she hurt somebody and is planning on running away. She's going to pass through the forests by our home although she doesn't know it. She just wants to escape the Volturi, she wants to escape Alec." The short, dark haired woman spoke, her voice trembling ever so slightly. Although none of the Cullens knew their father/husband's friend all that well they had somehow grown to care greatly for her.

"Perhaps we could bring her here, keep her safe." The golden eyed doctor spoke after the long silence became too unbearable.

"That's impossible, with Demetri in the Volturi they'll find her in minutes." The hazel haired boy spoke, holding his daughter to his chest in a protective manner.

"Well we can't let her just be running for the rest of her life." The blonde father figure almost yelled causing all of the Cullen residences inhabitants to look on in pure shock. "I'm sorry, I just don't want a good friend of mine to end up doing nothing but running for the rest of eternity." The brunette woman comforted her shaking husband, embracing him gently.

"I could shield her when she got here, would that stop the Volturi from detecting her?" The awkward brunette girl spoke, her hands hiding within her sleeves and her golden eyes' gaze firmly on the floor. A bright smile spread across Carlisle's features, immediately causing the other Cullens to smile as well due to his infectious emotions.

"I would be very grateful." The doctor spoke again, his smile unwavering. Bella simply responded with a curt nod and an awkward smile in return.

Something wicked this way comes [witch twins mates] {avengers/twilight}Where stories live. Discover now