Welcome to Volterra

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After all of the evidence had been given the Volturi made the decision that the Cullen's were innocent of any crime. Or at least that was what was assumed until the malicious laughter of Aro Volturi rose as the Cullens turned to leave the clearing.

"Carlisle, whilst you may not have committed the crime you were accused of, you still have shared the information of our world to two humans." The soft high pitched voice seemed to cut like a knife through the blonde doctor.

"But Aro, they-" Carlisle began but was stopped by the dark haired Volturi king with a simple gesture of his hand.

"I understand but rules are rules, however, as these two are the soulmates of two of the members of my coven I shall make an exception." The blonde began to release a breath of relief at those words. "They are to return to Italy with us, their fate to be decided after we get there." That sentence alone caused worry and anger to spike within the Cullens and fear within the Maximoff twins.

Carlisle began to argue and plead only to be cut off by the brown eyed twin who's face held a look of sadness. Both she and her brother knew there was nothing to be done and neither would risk the lives of their friends to prevent something that they knew was most likely inevitable. At the scene before him, Aro grinned knowing he had gained two great powers and the happiness of the Volturi twins which seemingly ensured their happiness within the Volturi. He had successfully collected these witch twins causing him almost the same happiness as when he acquired Jane and Alec.

"I shall allow you to say your goodbyes, you needn't pack anything as everything you need shall await you at the Volturi castle. I will send members of my guard to retrieve you in exactly two hours. Me and my brothers will eagerly await your arrival, as will Alec and Jane no doubt." He spoke in his usual soft tone before looking between his brothers, receiving a scowl from one and a frown from the other but continuing to smile all the same.

He and the Volturi remained for a moment more before turning to leave and speeding off into the dark, towering trees. A sob escaped the blonde father of the Cullens almost immediately after the Volturi had left, not caring whether or not they could hear his cries. He though of the twins as family and the thought of losing them to a cold and cruel coven was almost more than he thought he could bare. His brunette wife Esme embraced him before ushering over the witch twins, kissing their heads in a motherly fashion.

Slowly, the Cullens returned to their home with the twins, Pietro and Wanda, close behind. Not a word was spoken between them. Sadness radiated from each of them like a storm cloud.

The passing trees seemed to blur together, the palette of browns and greens becoming a mush, like a messy blob of colour upon an easel.

A sense of hopelessness rose in between the anger and sadness, absorbing the group entirely. The group moved slowly now through the forest until they reached the residence of the Cullens which suddenly didn't seem as bright. The twins couldn't tell if it was their father being upset or if within this small period of time they had grown to feel for the twins. That thought seemed easily possible to the silver haired boy but to his sister it felt impossible. Maybe they had grown to love her brother but certainly not her, she had barely spoken to them. But maybe, she had found more people she could have called family, people other than her brother. But it could never be known, she supposed, as she was going to become a vampire and doubted the Volturi would let her and her brother have an animal blood diet. If that was the case Wanda had decided she wouldn't want her old friend and father figure to see her in such a state. He should remember her only as she was now.

The two hours seemed to come and go in an instant and before the twins could even begin to comprehend it they were on a plane to Italy, closely watched by two guard members, Felix and Demetri. Of course, Pietro being Pietro had befriended the two within minutes, taking a particular liking to Demetri due to their extreme similarities personality wise. The brunette was glad her brother could find light in this dark place they were entering however she made no attempt to join the conversation, convinced her input would not be wanted anyway. She spent her time on the plane instead by watching the lights of the far away cities below them through the window. The colours forming a perfect painting in her mind, warming her heart as she thought of the families that may lay in each of those tiny houses with their tiny cars and tiny gardens. The thought almost bright a smile to her face, almost.

Soon, the twins landed in the airport, unable to see Italy in its true glory as it was obscured by darkness, although they supposed they ought to get accustomed to darkness knowing their most probable fate.

The twins were taken by the two guards into a black Range Rover. The leather seats they sat on were intricately designed and sleek however both of the Maximoff's could not find it in them to admire it as their worry settled in now they approached their inevitable fate.

The car journey was filled with awkward silences and the odd joke from the brown eyed boy. This continued until they reached their destination.

The twins were ushered into a beautiful castle by the guards who were adorned in all black, entering through a grand entrance before moving swiftly down corridor after corridor eventually coming to an elevator which the four squeezed into. Music played as the silver haired boy danced jokingly causing the blonde guard to chuckle and a smile to appear on the tall, dark haired guards face however, his sisters face remained emotionless, much to his dismay causing his smirk to drop before returning promptly.

The metal doors opened and the four stepped out, waking past a reception before reaching a grand door which the taller guard swung open with ease, holding it open as the twins and the blonde entered.

The raven haired king sat up from his chair which perched between the throne of his two brothers, throwing his arms into the air before sighing in content.

"Welcome to Volterra."

Something wicked this way comes [witch twins mates] {avengers/twilight}Where stories live. Discover now