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After much deliberation the three kings of the Volturi conceded to Wanda's animal blood diet choice deciding she was too powerful an asset to loose. Aro was as delighted to have her as he was when he first got his hands on Jane and Alec, he had now expanded his collection of treasures and that fact brought him endless joy. All of the rest of the guards were intimidated by the brunette girl whom strolled the halls either alone or with the dark haired Volturi twin shadowing her every movement.

Pietro had attempted to rehash things with his distraught sister however his arrogance held him back from apologising or expressing his true feelings towards her. He knew she would grow to forgive him eventually and when he forgot that fact his blonde mate would remind him as she understood the bond of a sibling.

Everything was quiet within the Volturi castle, guards paced the halls with stone cold expressions, the kings sat with their wives in the towers and Wanda sat in her room. Her now golden eyes were transfixed on the narrow window within her room. Her eyes traced each star in a feeble attempt to capture the night skies glory. The dark blanket above her lay speckled with pearly white gems glinting like the eyes of a lover. Suddenly, a bang rang out through the castle ripping her from her thoughts.

Slowly, the brunette rose from her seat upon the satin sheets splayed over her bed that now lay unused. Wanda carefully and cautiously approached the source rounding a corner to see two figures before immediately returning back to the cover of the wall. From her brief observation of the pair she saw one had strikingly white hair, almost the colour of snow, and one held dark raven locks that cascaded down his face like a mask preventing her from reaching any facial details he may posses.

A Romanian accent broke through the loud silence causing the golden eyed girl to tense considerably. "Brother, I think it's time for our revenge."

A/n sorry this update took so long, I'm approaching my final examinations within school making it difficult to find time within my schedule to write these stories. I am sorry if this is a lacklustre ending and if anyone wishes for an improvement or sequel than please feel free to comment it, I would love to hear any feedback you may have.

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