Nothing goes my way

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I wake up with a killer headache. Getting drunk isn't as fun as it sounds. Scenes of last night come flashing into my mind. If it wasn't for Dylan following us, god knows what would've happened.
I notice a note beside my head table and see a bottle of water with Advil. It read 'Mia, take the Advil. It will help with the headache~D'
I take the Advil and get out of bed. I take a long hot shower and wash my hair. I change into a pair of sweats and go to the kitchen to get something to eat.
I look at the time and it was 1:30pm. Wow I guess I slept in. After breakfast, I decide to call Lexi and Kelsey.

*Ring* *Ring* *Ring*

"What?" Lexi asks in a sleepy voice

"Good morning to you too" I say

"Mia, Lexi won't wake up! What do I do?" I hear Kelsey ask over the phone

"Just tell her your going shopping, that should do the trick" I say while laughing.

"Guys come over, since it's Kelsey's last day, we should spend some time together. I also wanna tell you what happened yesterday." I tell them

"We'll be there in 10" said Lexi now fully awake


Lexi and Kelsey come over and we watch a few movies after I tell them what happened last night. They were shocked and were thankful that Dylan was there in time. After our long movie marathon, it was time for Kelsey to catch her plane back. Lexi said she would drive her to the airport so I say my goodbyes to Kelsey and promise to see each other soon.

After they left, I noticed it was 7pm. I decided to watch another movie. After making some popcorn and sitting on the couch, I hear Dylan come in.

I turn around and say "hey"

"Hi, how was your day? How are you feeling?" He asks with concern in his voice. What's up with this guy being nice?

"I'm good" I reply and go back to my movie.

After a few minutes, Dylan comes back showered and wearing sweats. He sits beside me on the couch and takes some of my popcorn while asking "what are we watching?"

I just stare at him with a death glare

"What?" He asks while eating popcorn

"Don't touch my popcorn" I state mad that he's eating all my food

"Error, it's MY popcorn" he says while smiling

Whoa. I haven't seen him smile the whole time I've been staying with him. What a beautiful bright smile, with pearly white teeth. I didn't know he had a nice side.

"Me before you. We're watching me before you" I say

Half way through the movie, I started crying and Dylan couldn't handle it anymore so we ended up changing the movie to Grown ups. I mean who doesn't like a good laugh.
When the movie finished, I took in our position. His head was placed close to my lap and had fallen asleep near the end of the movie on the couch. He looked so peaceful when sleeping.
His hair was messy, unlike when he goes to work and looked so tired. I get up and try to wake him

"I can't really carry you to your bed so your gonna have to wake up and walk yourself" I tell him.

He gets up "what time is it" he says while yawning

Mia ✔️Where stories live. Discover now