Do you still love me?

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"So what am I receiving? A grandson or granddaughter?" She asks with a smile

"Well.. I don't know" I say while looking down. I felt like a failure for not knowing what gender my baby was. I felt bad still not being sure if I wanted the baby or not. I felt embarrassed to tell my mother I was pregnant because I feel like she would be disappointed in me for not having a plan set up.

"Oh, well do you both want it to be surprised?" She asks

"Not quite. Mom I-" she cuts me off

"Then why wouldn't you want to know what your having? At least you'll be able to decorate the room and prepare. Hunny you don't have much time left! I don't understand why your still behind" She says looking at me confused

I was starting to feel a wave of panic coming through me
"Mom stop! Please! Do you want to know why I still don't know the gender? Because I don't even know if I WANT the baby!" I yell

"What? What do you mean you don't want the baby?" She asks with worry

"God mom! This is exactly why I didn't tell you I was pregnant" I say and turn around with tears falling

"Sweetheart, why are you crying?" She asks turning me to face her
She embraces me in a hug and wipes away my tears

"I don't know what to do. Mom I don't know" I say burying my head in the crook of her neck

I tell her the whole story and situation. One thing I love about my mother is that she has always been good at listening. I tell her about the job offer and how I need to make a choice.

"Well hunny, all I can tell you is that love stays forever. It never goes away. I've been working my whole life, trying my best and never missing an opportunity. Money came and went and even though I was doing what I loved, I missed something that I loved far more. I missed the opportunity to always be there for you and watch you grow up. If I can go back, I would do it all differently and chose my love for you. The love for life is far more greater then doing what you love. Things will come and go but it's not everyday you get to make a baby" She says with a smirk at the end

"But mom, I've worked so hard for this opportunity and I can't just throw it away" I say

"Sweetie, I'm not telling you what to do or what not to do. The choice at the end of the day will come from your heart. But I want you to know that it's not difficult to do both. You are a strong woman and I know you will walk wisely." She says giving me a hug

The Chinese takeout finally comes and we both have dinner.  I Keep some aside for Dylan.
After we finish eating my mom stands up

"Alright well, I think I'm gonna take a flight home" She says

"What? Your not staying?" I ask

"Dylan's already here and I don't want to interrupt anything. I know your already under a lot of stress and I don't want to add onto it" She says

"No mom your not interrupting anything" I say

"I'll  come and stay later don't worry. And besides, I met someone back in Chicago and we've been wanting to go out. Finally I'll have some free time you know" She says giving me a wink

"Oh god" I say letting out a laugh

"If you insist. I'm really happy you came tho" I say while giving her a hug

We say our goodbyes and my mom leaves. She promised to come back and visit soon and hopefully she'll stay a few days next time.

I notice it's late and I decide to go wash up and get ready for bed. As I'm brushing my teeth, I hear the door unlock.
I rinse my mouth and see Dylan come In

"Hey" I say

"Hi, did your mom leave? I thought she was gonna stay" he says

"Ya she's taking a flight back" I respond

"I left some of the Chinese food for you. It's in the fridge" I tell him

"It's alright, I already ate. I went to go see an old friend of mine and I grabbed some food on the way" he says

I change into a pair of shorts since it was a bit hot and I get into my bed.
"Dylan?" I call and see him come back into my room

"Yes?" He responds

"Uh, do you wanna sleep in here... with me?" I ask him
I felt bad having him sleep in the guest room and besides, I kind of felt...lonely

"I would love too" he says with a smirk

I let out a little laugh at how crazy this man is! He gets into my bed and lays beside me. He props his head up in order to hover over my belly and places his hand on my growing stomach.

I can't help but ask him something that's been on my mind this whole time. Something that will put me at ease and help me with my decision making. Something that will settle this once and for all.

"Dylan?" I ask in almost a whisper

"Yes mi'amore?" He asks while kissing my belly

I tangle my hands in his hair playing around and ask him "do you still love me?" I ask

He looks up at me with confusion
"Of course I still love you. What have I been saying this whole time?" He says

"I know but do you really mean it? Are you only trying to make us work because I'm pregnant?" I ask feeing tears in my eyes

"Mia I never stopped loving you. You were the one who left, I only gave you space to live your life but my love for you never went away" he says caressing my cheek

"Ya But why didn't you ever call or keep in contact after Lexis wedding?" I ask

He lets out a sigh "I-I, I wasn't sure if you still loved me back. When I woke up In the morning, you were gone. I thought it was time for me to let go and move on. Because I thought you did the same." He says wiping away a tear that escaped me

"When you told me you were pregnant, I felt as if my whole world changed. I'm not here with you just because your pregnant. I'm here because I love you Mia and I want to love this baby too. I want to be here for you and for our baby." He says and kisses my forehead.

"I love you mi'amore" he says

"I love you too" I say and give him a kiss on the lips

Soon enough, we break away and decide to go to sleep. He puts an arm around my waist and I hear him whisper in my ear "I promise I will do my best to make us work and keep our family together" before a deep sleep takes me over

*Im gasping for air* Mia hit 10K reads like whattttttt!!!!!
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New chapters coming soon and we reach the end
Happy reading
Bye for now 💋

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