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"Shit Mia your pregnant with DYLANS baby?" She states making sure she heard right while letting out a surprised laugh

"Lexi shut up it's not funny!" I say and start to cry again

"I'm so-rry bu-t But when? How did this happen?" She asks while laughing

This bitch

"It happened at YOUR wedding" I say and that knocks the smile off her face shutting up her laughter

"What? At MY wedding?!" She exclaims

"Yes Lexi, congrats your not deaf! It was at your fricken wedding" I say while wiping my nose and standing up

She follows me around my apartment with millions of questions
"How did you and Dylan end up having sex on my wedding night!?" She asks

"I was drunk, he was drunk, he was being a dick and ba bam! We had unprotected sex! Now I apologize but I can't go into anymore detail because incase you forgot, I was drunk so I don't remember anything else" I say sarcastically

"Wow..." She says as she takes a seat on the sofa and I sit beside her. She wraps her arms around me in a hug and we just stay like that for a little while.

"I can't believe I'm pregnant" I say in shock

"Well sweetie, unprotected sex gets you pregnant" she says in a mocking tone

"Shut up" I say

After a few minutes, Lexi breaks the silence

"So what are you gonna do?" She asks

"I don't know" I answer truthfully with a sigh

"Are you gonna tell him?"

"No, well not now anyway. I want to decide on what I should do first. But until then, I swear to god Lexi you better keep your mouth shut! Your the only one who knows and it better stay like that!" I warn her. Lexi likes to talk... and gossip....

"Don't worry I won't tell anyone" she says

The next few days with Lexi go by like a blur. It was good to have her support with me while i went threw that....

After she left, it was back to work and normal life routine as if everything was normal. Lexi was the only person who knew and I wanted to keep it like that for now.

Today I had a doctors appointment and I needed to leave work early. Before I leave, I stop by Carlos' office


"Hi Mia"

"Just wanted to let you know that I'm leaving early today so I won't be in my
Office" I say

"Ok thanks for letting me know" he says and goes back to doing his work

I leave the building and go to my car. When I arrive at the doctors office, I get a little nervous.

After doing a few tests, the doctor comes into the patient room

"Well Mia, congratulations your pregnant" he says with a big old smile

I was gonna say 'Congratulations my ass. I'm not very celebratory at the moment' but I choose to keep my thoughts to myself

"As you know, there are different options if you were thinking about keeping it or not keeping it so I will leave you with these different pamphlets with information of Different ways to go from here. The decision is all yours to make and you don't need to rush into anything. If you ever have any questions, please call or visit me" he says and gives me the different pamphlets

I wasn't sure on what to do. I'm not even sure on how I feel. I didn't want to make any decisions right now and rush into anything. But the doctor did tell me to schedule an appointment for an ultrasound as soon as possible to make sure the baby is healthy etc.
So I go ahead and call to schedule one, they give me an appointment in 2 weeks time.

As the days and weeks went by, I started to notice a bump forming. And I was getting fat :(
I've always tried to keep fit but all these different cravings was making it a little hard. Today I was supposed to have my first ultrasound appointment. As I enter the special pregnancy doctors office place, I see pregnant women all with their loved ones waiting to see their doctor or get an ultrasound. I was alone. It was kind of sad but I didn't want this to affect me.

After waiting for a little while, I'm finally called up for my turn. The lady that was gonna do my ultrasound today was really nice. She's a long time friend of mine named Dr. Sheena. After getting me settled down, she puts this really cold gel on my growing tummy.

"Do you see that? There's your baby! I see 2 arms and 2 legs. Now I'm looking for the heart beat"
Seeing the baby on the monitor screen is crazy. I can't believe there was a baby growing inside of me. It seemed unreal!

"Are you ready to listen to the heartbeat?" She asks

"Ya I am" I say with a smile forming

Hearing the baby's heart beat brought tears to my eyes. It was such a magical moment. Even though I still hadn't made a decision on what I was going to do, hearing the heart beat made me feel something different. It made me feel happy and a connection to this baby. Not just physically but emotionally.
I started to really love this baby

Thank you for readinggggg
More to come :)))

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