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I wake up bare naked in bed with Dylan beside me. I felt so sore down there and got out of bed deciding to take a shower. Well of course I would be sore, I was a virgin a few hours ago.
I grab a change of clothes and get into the shower. After I'm done, I change and go into the room to grab my hair comb. I see the bed is empty but then I feel someone's arms wrap around my stomach

"Good morning" I say with a smile as I feel Dylan place his head on my shoulder. I was in front of the vanity and was looking at him through the mirror

"Morning, you smell so good" he says in his deep husky morning voice

I turn to face him and give him a kiss on the lips

Everything was starting to be so nice, there were no problems and I was happy for once. I was really genuinely happy.

After spending a few more days in Spain with Dylan, we got back home and went back to our normal day to day routines. After submitting my portfolio for Art school in LA, I got back a letter saying they had received my application and that I should hear back within 2-3 months from now. Dylan doesn't know anything about this and I thought I would leave it like that for now since I probably wouldn't get in anyway.
I stayed in touch with Chris and he helped me with my application.

Dylan and I grew even closer and I'm gonna be honest with you..... the sex is AMAZING!!
Now I understand why all the girls would fall for him I mean.. wow
Anyway, i was now in bed in Dylan's arms half naked fully awake but not wanting to wake up. Then we hear the elevator ding and the doors open. We both look at each other with questionable eyes

"Who the hell is that?" He asks

"I don't know, are you expecting someone?" I ask in a whisper

Then we hear footsteps and a voice "Dylan dear, where are you? It's your mother" we hear Claire, Dylan's mom chirp

"Mom? What the hell is she doing here?" He says more to himself. We hear the footsteps get closer to the door then I realize that I'm half naked.

"Shit!" I get out of the sheets in a panic trying to figure out where I should go. She can't see me, that would be too embarrassing

"Dylan honey? Are you here? Can I come in?" We hear her from right behind the door as she knocks

"Fuck Dylan?!" I look at him asking for help

He looks around in a panic and gets one of his dress shirts from the ground and throws it to me
"Here put this on and go to the bathroom" he says
I grab the shirt and run to the bathroom closing the door behind me making sure not make any noise. As if on cue, Dylan's bedroom door is opened by Claire.

"Dylan? I can't believe your still asleep. Don't you have to be at work?" She says as she approaches Dylan

I think Dylan is fake sleeping
"Mom? What are you doing here?" He asks in a sleepy voice

I put on the white dress shirt he had on yesterday and sit on the covered toilet seat listening to their convo.

"I was trying to call you but when you wouldn't answer I decided to come here. Why aren't you at work? Don't you have a business to run?" She asks as she walks around his room. I hear Dylan get up

"No I start work late today. Why did you need to see me?" He asks in a yawn

"Where's Mia?" She says as she stops walking

Dylan doesn't answer for a second as he thinks of what to say. "I think she's in her room?" He says more like a question

"Ok, isn't she such a sweet girl? Now tell me my son, I received a call from one of my best investors Mr. Peter Walking and he was telling me about his plans he has with us for the future. You remember his daughter Sarah? The one you used to date back in high school? Well he was telling me that she's going to be helping her father out with his company" she says but is interrupted by Dylan

"Sarah? What the hell does she have to do with anything?" He says quite angry

Claire sighs and continues "I know you might have bad history together but her father is one of our best investors and as we work with him, you will also be working with her so please, this is business related and we don't let emotions come in the way of business" she says

After a minute of silence, Claire continues talking "she needs some documents signed to start one of the deals with the company, so she's downstairs" she says and leaves the room

"SHES WHAT?" I hear Dylan yell and follow her out of the room

Uh-oh.... this is not gonna be good
I can't believe Sarah was back, I get a little nauseous as the memory comes back from when I saw them two kissing.

I open the door quietly making sure it's clear and tip toe to the closet and get changed into some clothes. I go down the stairs and see Claire standing beside Sarah with Dylan in front  of them with his arms crossed and a deadly glare

"Dylan, it's nice to see you again" She says in her high pitched voice as she extends her hand to be shaken

Dylan doesn't shake her hand, scratch that, he doesn't even budge and just continues to give her a deadly glare.

"Alright, while you two sort things out, I need to go do some other things so I'll see you later. Dylan say hi to Mia for me" Claire says as she enters the elevators and leaves

"Whose Mia?" Sarah asks in disgust and that's when I decide to go down the stairs

As I make my way down and enter the living room where Sarah and Dylan were, their eyes turn to me and I go to stand beside Dylan.

"Sarah meet my girlfriend Mia" Dylan says in a monotone voice not changing his expression and glare at Sarah

"Oh So this is the little gold digging whore you chose over me?" She says with a snarky smirk

"Excuse me?" I say quite offended by her words

"Did you hear something? It sounded like a little baby was whining. Really, you chose a child over me? What's wrong with you?" she asks as she looks at me with disgust

"I would stop scrunching your eyebrows together like that. Otherwise your wrinkles that are already on your forehead will increase even more." I say and that wipes her disgusted expression off her face leaving her in total shock

"Good! Your already helping yourself look a little younger. I know hunny, being older and that ugly sucks." I say as I cross my arms

"Are you fucking kidding me? Dylan your just gonna let her walk all over me like that?" I hear her start to complain and yell.

"Dylan did you hear that? Sounds like a little bitch whining" I say and see Dylan try to control a smile forming on his lips

"Sarah, your here for business so please make it look like your professional. This strict business only and if you have something to say that's not business related, I don't wanna hear it." Dylan starts to say and grabs the documents form her hands reading them over

I leave the room and go to the kitchen. Since it's about business, I thought I should leave him be. I grab glass and pour some orange juice and go back to see that Dylan has finished signing the papers.

"Thank you dyllie, guess I'll see you tomorrow at the meeting!" She says as she puts her arms over his neck and gives him a hug

He pushes her off of him and she goes to the elevator with the door closing behind her

"Dyllie?" I ask with a smirk
"I like the nick name" I say sarcastically as I take a seat on the couch

He comes beside me and takes a seat. He let's out a huge breath "looks like we're going to be seeing more of her soon" he says as he closes his eyes.

Great! That's just wonderful 🙃

Looks like Sarah's back....
Trying to update regularly:))
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Bye for now 💋

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