Good job

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Dylan's POV:

I don't know what made me do it but kissing Mia wasn't a regret.
When she came into my office asking if she could help, all I could think about was how she looked; Her beautiful brown eyes and gorgeous soft lips. All I wanted to do was kiss them. I noticed that whenever she gets nervous, she bites her lips and I couldn't take it anymore.
I know I said I was going to keep away from her but I couldn't help myself. I wanted her, I needed her.

After our kiss, I wanted to look at her forever. Her lips were plumped and she looked gorgeous. Kissing her for sure wasn't a mistake. And I didn't regret doing it. I know she deserves someone better and I'm being selfish but I don't care anymore. All I wanted was her.

I go back to my desk and finish up my work. I wanted to distract myself and not think about her which was hard to do.

I stay In my office and finish all of my work. By the time that I'm done, I notice it's 11pm. I leave my office and go to the living room only to find that Mia isn't home. Maybe she went out with Lexi.
I decide to watch some Tv when I hear the intercom go on.

"Mr. Moore?" Chuck the security guy downstairs calls. "There is a lady by the name of Sarah here to see you. Do I send her up?" He asks

Sarah? What is she doing here? The last time I saw Sarah was 2 years ago when I broke up with her. She used to be my girlfriend but it didn't work out. I broke up with her when my mom decided to hand over one of her businesses to me to handle so I needed to be serious and well, Sarah was too... how should I say this? Unserious and was all about fun.

"Uh, sure send her up" I answer chuck

What the hell would she want? I question

The elevator opens and there I see Sarah, she looked the exact same since I last saw her. With her blonde short hair and crystal blue eyes. Sarah was also a model so she was tall.

"Dylan. Oh how great it is to see you" She says as she comes near me

"Sarah, how can I help you?" I ask her with a blank expression and monotone voice. I've had a hard working day and I honestly don't have time for Sarah right now.

"What? No 'how have you been' 'I missed you' 'we should get back together cuz you'll never find anyone better than me'?" She says as she approaches me

"Sarah, is there something I can help you with? I don't have time for you. I'm busy" I say trying to get her to leave

She starts to take off her shirt and is left with her bra arm length apart from each other.

"Sarah what the hell is wrong with you. Get out" I raise my voice wondering what the hell is happening right now

She puts her arms around my neck and looks me dead in the eye

"Don't pretend you're not liking what you see" She says as she starts to giggle

Then she kisses me, it takes me a few seconds to comprehend what's happening, then I'm about to push her away when I hear something fall on the ground. Our stupid kiss disconnects and I turn to see Mia infront of us with shock in her eyes

Shit! Shit shit shit! This is not good. I push Sarah away from me and run towards Mia.

"Mia, I can explain" I say in a panic

She turns to leave and I grab her arm. She yanks it away and says "don't touch me" in a harsh voice. I see a tear slip down her cheek and that hurts my heart. She runs to her room and I turn to Sarah

"Get out NOW!" I yell and she grabs her shirt and leaves

I run up the stairs to Mia's room and try to open her door but it's locked

"Mia! Open this door, please let me explain" I yell knocking loudly

I continue to bang on the door until she opens it but gets out with a suitcase

No this isn't good, this really isn't good

"Mia please don't leave let me explain. It's not what you think. Mia please stop and listen" I say following her down the stairs

She ignores me and I grab my key pass and see her enter the elevator, I see her face full of tears. The elevator closes before I get in.

She left. She just, left. And I hurt her.

What the fuck did you do Dylan? You messed up.
I kept on seeing her tear slip down her cheek and hearing her voice when she told me not to touch her. Full of hatred and disgust.
She wouldn't even let me explain. She just left.

Well why would she want to hear an explanation. I mean she thinks I was cheating on her. No one would just wait around and hear an excuse.

What horrible timing.


I start to pace around the penthouse and start calling her. She doesn't answer and eventually she turns off her phone because the line would just disconnect.

Good job Dylan. You fucked up real good.

Aww poor Dylan
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More to come for you beautiful people
Bye for now 💋

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