One 一 일

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A/N: Hi guys~, before you get to the "good stuff", so this is the fanfiction that I have had trouble writing. To be honest, I still have no idea if this is any good, but... as the chinese saying goes, 硬着头皮,豁出去, which means to hell with it. Hahaha~! I am still editing more chapters and I will most likely be posting chapters every five days or so. Also to note, the chapters vary in length, from 500 over words to 1000 but that might change since I'm still editing.

Please be kind with your comments hahahaha, I know this is not my best piece of work, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless.


2019.07.18, Thursday

Your eyes pop open.

Waking from your fitful sleep, you know that you will not be able to fall asleep again, you get out of bed, careful to not wake Yoongi. Not before you run your fingers through his soft hair, currently black with dark green highlights, unable to help yourself. He stirs, heaves a big sigh before turning to snuggle into the warmth you left behind.


You thought over the conversation from the night before. A balm, like aloe vera on a burn. The aloe vera doesn't help with the healing process, only easing the pain and symptoms. You know what the real problem is.

And it is not one that you will let anyone know. Not even Yoongi.

Especially Yoongi.

Leaving that at the back of your mind, you go wash up to get ready for the day. Your body is tired, your mind - wired. You head to the kitchen to make breakfast for the boys who are all sleeping at the moment.

It is a rarity that all the boys are in the dorms, Jungkook, Jimin and Tae take trips, Jin and Hobi often goes home, Joon often in the studios until odd hours, as does Yoongi. You raid the fridge and take out the makings for pajeon and sundubu jjigae, filling the kitchen with the smells of a kitchen being used properly.


Yoongi feels the emptiness beside him and wakes to confirm that it is indeed empty. He is confused when he sees that it is only 7am. At the very beginning he realised that you have trouble sleeping but lately, your only trouble is falling asleep itself only to have the tendency to wake up a little later.

-the conversation from last night?-

Still bleary from sleep, he gets out of bed and heads to the only place in the house that has noise being emitted. He stands at the entrance of the kitchen, quietly observing you as you go about cooking. About to whine to you about how tired he is, he stops himself, catching a glimpse of your face, catching how pale you are from your lack of sleep.

He frowns and walks over back hugging you, "Y/N..."

"Hey you're up, why didn't you sleep more?"

"You weren't there."

"As if that has ever stopped you from sleeping."

"I don't know, it feels odd."

"Yoonz..." you pause, because this sounds dangerously intimate, as though stepping over the invisible line of friendship into unknown territory.

"What? I meant it."

"I know, and that shouldn't be the case Yoonz. You shouldn't get used to me sleeping beside you at all. I'm supposed to be no one to you." you caution him

"Y/N I care about you. What we have isn't a romantic thing, but it doesn't mean that I don't care for you. You have to let me in sometime Y/N, please. Don't just shut me out. I want to be there for you. As a friend." Yoongi adds in quickly as a measure

"Yoonz, please... don't push me. I can't... I can't do this."

"Okay okay," he pulls you in closer to him, "I'm just here for you. Alright? Just don't... don't run."

"Just don't fall in love with me okay Yoonz?"

"Look at me Y/N, people think me perfect without flaws, but I have plenty that make me difficult to be with. You think I'm in any shape or position to love someone?"

Scoffing, you reply, "Yeah, sure I believe you with the million of girls clamouring towards you. You can have your pick. Someone who will love and make you feel loved."

You saunter away, checking on the pot of soup you have simmering away.

"But the one I want, doesn't seem to want me." he whispers to himself before moving to help you with the makings of breakfast.

Jin overhears the whole thing, including what Yoongi said, and he is just baffled by this whole thing you have between the both of you. Yoongi ever clarified that whatever it is, it is platonic. The problem isn't that you both defined this thing between you to be platonic, but what others will perceive it to be. The two of you are just too intimate with each other for other people to see that it's platonic. It is not the hugging or that you cuddle each other sleep. If that were the case, the boys are all in love with each other then, with the amount of skinship all of them share.

Well, not just, on hindsight. It is also the things that you do for each other. The both of you have the same quality and manner of taking care of others. It is not obvious, but it is that you both do it quietly.

You wipe his sweat off for him, he buys stuff for you that he thinks you need. You stock medicine and vitamins especially for him on top of what you get for the boys. He stocks the fridge for you knowing you love to cook and it's a form or stress relief for you.

Therein lies the problem, you two are acting like a couple when you're claiming you're not. And so, the company has no idea what is going on, hence no protection from them. Jin had already gone through this with SooJin, and that protection was vital.

The boys are idols, and idols who are being watched closely. He knows better than anyone with the exception of NamJoon, that every action begets a reaction. You have been careful so far, but any slip up, even a small one, will have ripples that will go far and wide.

Jin is not one who approves of this 'friendship'. But, the thing is, he likes you. In fact all of the boys do. You and Joon have deep talks, with Jin it was about the love of food, finding the best places in town to eat, you game with Tae and Jungkook, you hang out with Hobi and Jimin in the dance studio or talk about mangas. You talk to all of them, hang out with them and engage them as they want to, towards what is it that interests them. You constantly look out for them, give them support as and when they need, words of comfort and advice, on top of picking up after them and cooking for them.

You were their big sister, their noona.

Yet they know very little about you. Joon respected your boundaries, knowing that you are just not ready to open up to them. The rest of the boys are extremely curious, but they all rein it in, heeding advice from Joon.

He thinks it's best to leave the both of you in your own bubble. Yoongi has become a lot calmer and less angry with you around. He is more engaged and expressive, open with his thoughts and feelings.

That being one reason... and what happened last time.

For all the advice Joon has given about your boundaries and to not push them, Yoongi cannot help but to push to know you more. He wanted to know what made you, you. What you liked, what you hated, what made you so closed off, who hurt you and broke your heart. But he had pushed you too hard that you ran.

It was how Yoongi reacted that stopped Jin from trying to do anything detrimental to your friendship.

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