Nineteen 十九 십구

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2019.10.08, Tuesday

-dial tone-

"Hello?" a sleepy voice comes from the other side of the line

"Jimin? Are you awake?"

"Y/N-noona? Yea I just woke up, needed to get some rest at home today." Jimin becomes more alert, surprised that you're calling him. You only ever call Yoongi most of the time.

"Oh are you okay?"

"Yeah, overnight practice after schedules yesterday, just needed some rest."

"I see... erm... Is it okay if I go over to pick up some stuff? I really need them before I fly."

"Sure come on up, I'll buzz you in."

"Thank you, see you in a few."

The moment Jimin opens the door for you though, he immediately senses something is wrong with you. Something is just slightly off with you but he can't put his finger on it so he doesn't say much about it.

"Y/N-noona, are you okay?"

Jimin picked up on your nervous and sad energy so you smile warmly to reassure him, like how a sister would when she didn't want her younger siblings to worry about anything.

"Of course I am, Jimin, I'm just stressed at work. Here, I bought food for you, hope you feel better" handing him the food, hoping that it will distract him from his prying questions.

"Thank you noona."

He takes the food from you but he hesitates a little.

"Noona... you know that we are all here for you right? You've become family to all of us. Just like Mireille-noona. You can talk to any of us, no problem."

The fact that he reference Mireille, that he sees you like how he sees Mireille, makes you panic, especially at this point of time.

With Jimin referencing you to be like Mireille makes you wonder if it was more because Mireille became such a huge part of their lives with or without Jin, always hanging out with them, taking care of them, or whether it is defaulted simply because she is Jin's girlfriend. It is a blurred line but you know that it is a combination of both. She cares for the boys because she loves Jin and she loves his family too.

This is not the case for you, you are and never were Yoongi's girlfriend. Family by extension of romantic relationship does not come into play for you. Or do they see you as someone who inevitably wormed her way into this unit just because of your ties to Yoongi? Do they already see you as Yoongi's girlfriend or lifelong partner, even if the both of you deny it?

It just further cements that your decision to leave their lives to be the right move.

"I know Jiminie~ Don't worry about me. Sorry, I would love to talk, but I really need to grab my stuff and go."

Hastily you make your way to Yoongi's room before you lose control and break down in front of Jimin. It weighs so heavy on your heart, saying goodbye to them.

-It's for their own good. It's for Yoongi's sake. They'll be fine and get over it. They'll forget me soon enough.-

You shove any remnants of you from Yoongi's room into your bag. Spare clothes, socks, books, cleansers and makeup. You throw away your toothbrush, used candles that barely had any burning time left, stray drawings on loose pieces of paper.

You only leave behind some gifts. More candles for Yoongi, a scarf because he needs it, and a sketchbook. And in the last few pages of the sketchbook you stick a letter for him.

Jimin sees you hiding the sketchbook and startles you with his question.

"We are never going to see you again, are we noona?"

Your eyes widen at Jimin, knowing that he has found out about your true intention with his uncanny intuition.

Like a deer caught in headlights, you are rendered speechless and Jimin takes your it as his answer, "You'll break hyung..."

Tears start to form in your eyes, as you gently caress his cheek, "Jimin, no matter what happens, I can trust that you will be with him right? He will always have you guys. Please take care of him Jimin, you'll do well."

Heaving the bag over your shoulder, you walk out, never looking back. You don't want Jimin to see your tears.

You walk out, not just out of the place, but out of their hearts, saying goodbye to the boys who have become like family. Most of all, saying goodbye to Yoongi.

Your time with them, has come to a close, just like how you promised yourself.

[✅]Skin Hungry [Yoongi X Reader]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz