Twenty Six 二十六 이십육

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A/N: Warning of extremely uncomfortable situations.


2020.02.18, Monday

Mina has upheld her promise so far, so while the first few visits to the cafe after that incident was stressful for you, you finally feel comfortable coming back here now.

However, upon reaching the second floor, you once again spot a familiar figure. But one that you're not afraid to face, even though he is the last person you ever want to see.

You no longer allow him to manipulate you.

"What are you doing here Seo Eun?"

"I've been looking for you all over. I've been waiting for you at this damn place for the past few months. Where have you been?"

You raise an eyebrow knowing full well that he's lying. He has never figured out that you and Mina were business partners and she had told you how many times he came. In fact, she had proudly kept the receipts from Seo Eun and Yoongi, just to prove to you how much Yoongi actually cares for you in comparison. Even the members come by more often than Seo Eun did.

"Away from you. Seo Eun, leave me alone. I have finally found some peace, don't just barge into my life like this. I don't appreciate it. Nor will I in the future."

"Peace?" he raises his eyebrow, skeptical, "I saw you leaving in tears the last time you met Suga here. He must have found out about us huh and decided to leave you."

He strikes a raw nerve and angered by his words, you spit back at him, "I told him about us. Now go home. I don't want you here."

You try to move past him, toward your favourite seat but he sticks his arm out, catching you by the waist and then shift himself to hug you.

"Baby, you must know now that I'm the only one for you. Why are you so stubborn? I know what is it you love, what is it you want..."

Disgust starts to rile up within you at his insinuation, but you don't rise up to it. You have tried to leave him before, but he always uses the same tactics to get you back.

Not this time. This time, instantly placing your arms on his chest and pushing him away with all the strength you have.

"How's the wife and baby Seo Eun? He seems to be growing up well."

Guilt runs over his features, and that's when he realises that you've seen through his lies. You know that he has never left her like he said he did, and he never will.

"Go away Seo Eun, you have taken enough from me. My youth, my innocence, my faith in people, my heart. You have shown me the worst in men, that I can never trust anyone with my heart again. You broke me and I see now, that you never cared for me. You haven't for a long time."

You try to move away again, turning your back on him, but he stops you once again in a back hug.

"Baby, you won't be saying that once we get back to your place. The only words coming out of your mouth will be the sound of you moaning my name."

"Go home and pile your pillows high so you can dream on. Now let me go."

You try to pry his hands off of you.

"I remember you like it rough, you like to play games with me to tantalize me" he mock whispers into your ear

His hot breath tickles your chin as he moves to place open mouth kisses on your neck. Panic begins to rise in you, and now you're afraid that he will take things too far. You continue to try to shake him off but he is stronger than you remember or he used to be gentler on you.

"I remember how you love kisses on your neck and shoulders, you'd shiver and goosebumps will rise all over your skin. I have always loved your ass too."

He spins you around to face him and he smacks your ass as he simultaneously half carries you to the couch, throwing you down onto it.

"Yes, I remember you like it rough like this too. Your hair all messed up after being thoroughly fucked by me."

"Seo Eun, I'm warning you, that was all play, it was consensual. This is not."

"It can be."

With that, he pounces on top of you, aggressively kissing you, not letting you get a breath in. He has you pinned down with his body weight, his legs clamping yours down. There is no give at all, not in a way that you can fight him. Your fists are useless against him. When you finally break from the kiss, he holds his hand to your mouth, stopping you from screaming and all you can do is a high pitched squeal.

His mouth goes back to nibbling on your neck and jaw as his other hand goes beneath your shirt, touching your bare stomach.

Your eyes widen and your strength to struggle against his renews anew. His hand on your mouth finally slip and you let out a blood curdling scream.

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