Twenty Nine 二十九 이십구

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2020.02.21, Friday

Your apartment has emptied itself into boxes. It is time to move on.

At least, you'll continue to pack once you're better. Once this damn fever subsides. You feel like death and like you've been through hell and back.

The doorbell rings and you assume it's the delivery boy with your dinner. Well, it is your dinner, but the surprise is the person who is paying for your dinner and dismissing the delivery boy.


"You're really going to stop calling me by the nickname you gave me?"

Ignoring the question, you carry on, "How did you know where I live? What are you doing here?"

"Being your delivery boy actually. I brought food."

"You mean, hijacking the delivery boy with food that I ordered and was about to pay for."

"No, I meant food. I brought odeng with extra soup and sundae. Your favourites."

"Oh... thank you..."

"You're not going to invite me in?"

"I think we should just leave things as they are and not make it worse okay?" you reach out to grab the food, rapidly closing the door behind you as you thank him for the food.

You send out a text quickly to Mina

=Mina, did you give Yoongi my address?=

=Erm... yeah I did.=

=-_-|| Mina!=

=I figured that since you're moving out anyway...=

=Sigh... you owe me for this Mina. Big time. Do not do this again please.=

The doorbell rings again and you ignore it. But it keeps ringing incessantly, Yoongi being a child about it. It finally gives you a headache, and you wrench the door open.

"Yoongi stop!"

"If you had let me in, I wouldn't have had to do that."

"Sure... blame it on me..." you do your usual eye roll, "What do you want?"

"Can I come in?"

With another of your typical roll of your eyes, you open the door wider, letting him in.

"You're moving...?"

"Very astute of you."

"Where to?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?" you sigh

Drained of energy and nursing a headache now on top of a fever, you plop yourself on the sofa and close your eyes to take a rest.

"Are you okay? Are you sick?"

"Glad you noticed, took you long enough genius."

"Well, with all the spite and fire you're talking to me with, didn't seem like you are sick."

"I am... so can you just leave me alone to wallow in self pity and soup. Please?"

Instead of listening to you, he brings the food over to the coffee table and starts opening the food. You continue to look at him, devoid of any energy, but curious nonetheless

"Why are you here Yoongi?", you ask softly.

"You don't want me here?"

"I don't want you here if you're here to hurt me again," you close your eyes in silent plea that he will take the hint and leave.

"I hurt you...?"

Slowly opening your eyes you look at him pointedly, telling him, "The last conversation we had was very painful. So yes, you hurt me and I don't want you here."

"And if I told you that I love you? Will that make a difference?"

"Only if I believe you. And therein lies the problem, I don't. I don't believe anything anymore. So please leave."

"No, I won't, so stop wasting your breath. Just come here and drink the soup."

You heave a heavy sigh, rolling yourself off the couch toward the table. As you pick up the spoon to eat, you give him a side glance, "Thank you..."

After eating, you half lie down on the sofa, too tired to move, only to be rudely awakened by Yoongi to take your meds.

"Leave it, I'll take it later."

"It's better to take it now, after food."

"Why are you being so naggy?"

"Not the first day you know me."

He makes sure that you've taken the meds and drink some water before trying to carry you in his arms.

You flinch, not quite over what happened with Seo Eun.

"What are you doing?"

He softens his stance and approaches you slowly.

"Bringing you into your room dummy. Your fever burnt all your intelligence?"

Once he picks you up, he whispers "I'm not going to hurt you."

You are too weak to protest and frankly, you missed his presence and warmth, wrapping your arms around his neck to ease some weight off of him.

"You lost weight..." he comments as he moves through the hallway.

"So you're saying that you struggled when you carried me before?" you retort as you lean your forehead onto his cheek, welcoming the coolness it brought.

It's strange. Your body feels cold, but your head is warm. But wherever your skin touches his, it is perfectly comforting and soothing.

"I hate you." you suddenly spurt out.

And it's true. Somewhat. You hate how he makes you feel. Hate how he can make you feel at ease, how much you trust him, how much you want him.

But you can't forget the words he threw in your face. The truth hurts.

Yoongi raises his eyebrows and only smirks a little, "You don't."

"Yes I do," you put a bit more strength behind your words for emphasis

"No you don't. You love me."

"I can hate you at the same time." turning away and mumbling, "and besides, I don't love you."

He side glances you, having heard your comment, "Yes you do."

Snapping your head to look at him, you start to exclaim that you don't, only to be cut off by him looking you in the eyes, noses touching.

He puts you down on the bed, quickly joining you. His hand hovers over your waist as if asking for permission. You don't want him touching you not because of what happened but you don't want to fall back into the same pattern with Yoongi. Without another word, you turn away from him, and promptly fall asleep. 


A/N: Hey guys~ how have y'all been? ^^ I'm so grateful to all of you who have been reading this faithfully and giving it so much support. It really made me feel like I wrote something worthwhile and didn't waste my and everyone's time.

Also, this is coming to end and while I'm trying to write more, it's not really coming to me. So while this is adios for a while, as I try to work, I do hope that you guys will keep an eye out for my works.

In the meantime, thank you for every view, vote and comment. May you guys find joy in the little things ^_^

Till next time!

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