Three 三 삼

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2019.04.17 Wednesday

Jetlagged and unable to sleep, having just landed a few hours prior, you headed straight to the cafe to try to tire yourself out so that you can sleep the full day after.

You knew Mina from when you tutored her back in her high school days. She was a good kid and had it tough in life so when the cafe she worked at was looking to expand via franchise, you encouraged Mina to take up on it. Seeing this as an opportunity for yourself, and for Mina to not take up so much risk on her own, you offered a share ownership of the franchise, with one condition. You wanted it to be decorated with your ideas in mind. You had already seen how the original decor was like, and what you had in mind was just one level up from that. Mina volleyed for that in her contract and because SooJin had practically groomed Mina, she allowed this little piece of artistic freedom.

Shelves of books, the original concept, with addition of bean bags, sofas, leather high back chairs made the place warm and cosy, welcoming. The good food and coffee just made people kept coming back. The bonus was that it was open 24 hours.

That was how you met Yoongi after all.

"Hey Mina."

"Y/N you're here! Where have you been?"

"Just away. I needed some time to myself. But I'm back now, how's business?"

"It's doing well. I think we need to sit down soon to talk about promotions and events for the first half of next year soon though? So that I can submit the proposal in to SooJin."

"Sure thing, just let me know when, I'll make time for that. But I can't do it today. I'm still jet lagged. I'm gonna head to my usual spot yeah? The usual for me?"

"Sure, right on it, just go and get comfortable. By the way, I stocked up on some books, as a refresher, I think you'd be interested in those."

"Really? Thank you!" you smile at her and excitedly run up the stairs.

There was something odd in Mina's expression but you chalk it up to exhaustion. As a regular, you knew just where Mina would place the new additions and you head straight for that. She was right, the books are right up your alley. You pick one and settled into your favourite seat, your legs hanging off the arm as you snuggle into the thick cushion you lodge in the right angle of the other arm and the high backrest.

You've read up to the 2nd chapter when you hear footsteps up the stairs but pay it little heed, even when your order is placed on the table.

"Thank you Mina" you say with your eyes still stuck on the words of your book.

"I'm not Mina but you're welcome."

You snap your head up in shock, not expecting the low familiar timbre.


"Glad you still remember my nickname."

"What are you doing here Yoongi?"

"Oh so you still remember my name is it?"

"Cut the crap Yoonz."

"No, you cut the crap. Stop avoiding the elephant in the room."

A staring contest ensues with you looking at him with slitted eyes while he towers over you, his arms crossed over his chest. To be frank, he was kind of intimidating you but you don't want to show it.

Giving up, you throw your hands in the air, "Okay fine, what is it? How did you find me in the first place?"

Yoongi starts to pace around as he rants, "Do you know how miserable I was? How could you disappear like that? I was so worried about you! I couldn't find you, I don't know any of your friends. Even for your office, I only had a rough idea of where it was, and even then, I didn't know how to... where to go.. Who to ask... When I finally figured it out, I had to use my name, and you know how much I hate doing that! If it wasn't for Mina, I wouldn't even have known that you were back. I asked her to call me if you show up here."

The both of you go back to staring at each other when he finishes his rant.

"So Mina called you. And you found me, okay...?"

"That's it? That's all you're going to say? Not even an apology?"

Sighing, you lean back on the chair, "Well, do you want one?"

It is his turn to sigh in exasperation.

Putting your hands up in acquiescence, you continue, "Alright alright, I'm sorry... But you have to understand that I am single and free to do as I please. I'm not exactly obligated to make myself accountable to you. Yoongi, I cannot get too attached to you, and you shouldn't to me as well. I'm fucked up and I have so many issues, you shouldn't be in this mess, trying to fix me."

"I'm not trying to fix y.."

"No, not even as friends. I've gotten my heart broken, not just in my romantic relationships but with my friendships as well. It's not... easy for me to open to people anymore. I've opened up, and people left me. I've become really close friends with them, and then life happens and we drift apart. I..."

You pause for a while, trying to collate your frazzled thoughts.

"Yoongi, I can't just open up to you. You have to get that, please."


A/N: Hi guys, what do you think of the story so far? Is it abrupt and choppy? I didn't really want to do long ass chapters but I'm not sure if separating them like this is okay, so let me know what you guys think ^_^

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