Thirty Two A 三十二甲 삼십이가

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2020.02.22, Saturday

"Then maybe this will change your mind."

He pulls you towards him.

Suddenly a scream fills the apartment and Yoongi's back hits the door with a loud thump. His bad shoulder is still bruised and he winces. When he opens his eyes, he sees you sitting on the floor, knees to your chest, curled into yourself.

He realises what he has done, and slowly moves to you, like he would an injured animal.

"Y/N... y/n... it's me... I'm sorry... I shouldn't have done that to you, fuck I'm so sorry."

His voice managed to calm you down and you finally lift your head to look at him. You have always felt safe with him, which is probably why you let him stay the night too. Even though you flinched when he first attempted to carry you, you were okay with skinship with him thereafter. You hugged him willingly in your sleep, for crying out. It's just that... in that moment, it reminded you too much of Seo Eun and you just lashed out.

When your breathing finally evens out, a thought pops into your head and you wonder.

"Don't move, let me try something..." you whisper softly to him.

Slowly moving towards him, Yoongi freezes and sits very still, not understanding what you are doing. You edge closer to him and pull his arms around you, you place yourself between his legs. Placing your hand on his cheek, slowly turning his face towards you, you lean your forehead on his. So far, these are not triggering anything. You look into his eyes for a long second before tilting your head and then you press your lips onto his.

To say that Yoongi is shocked is an understatement. Just a few seconds ago, you were screaming bloody murder when he tried to kiss you. Now you were kissing him. The difference was... that is when it hits him. It was not the act that triggered you, but that feeling of loss of control. He was being way too pushy and you just lost it. Gently his arms snaked around you as you pull away from him.

"I'm sorry..." the both of you start to say. You sigh and smile at the same time.

"I'm sorry..." you start to say, "and thank you for that night. I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't been there."

"I would have done it for anyone."

"I know. But you really should go. You shouldn't be here."

"What in God's name... You just kissed me and now you're telling me to leave? Am I some sort of experiment to you? Like some warm body that you can do anything to willy nilly? I want to be here with you.Will you stop trying to push me away? Tell me, why shouldn't I be here?" he says in one long breath, his face turning red at the lack of breath, as if he's rapping to one of his cyphers.

Propping yourself onto your knees, you face him square on, looking him in the eyes, "You don't love me. Not really... you don't even know who I am, how can you say that you love me?"

"Y/N, look at me." he cups your hands in between his, bringing them to his lips then to his chest.

He looks into your eyes as he uses his other hand to gently lift your chin up.

"Stop thinking that. I know who you are. I don't need you to define how I feel. My feelings are my own, I know how I feel."

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