Twenty Five 二十五 이십오

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2020.01.17, Friday

Mina never spoke of the conversation with you, neither did she talk about the boys again with you, knowing that this will only take time to resolve and it has to come from you.

Leaving out those aforementioned topics meant that she also left out that Jimin, Joon, Hobi and Jin were at the cafe and had heard everything. After you left, she hadn't known that they didn't know about what happened and she had to explain to them briefly what had happened with Seo Eun.

The boys of course went back home and told Yoongi about what they know. And so, Yoongi has been showing up almost everyday ever since he heard that you were back, which is more times than Seo Eun did, over the past months.

It is a Friday night, and while you have started to sleep better recently, without Yoongi, insomnia still catches you once in a while. You trudge up to the second floor after greeting Mina and making your order. It is from there that you spot a familiar figure. One that you're not keen to face at all. And it looks like he's been waiting for you.


Immediately, you turn around to high tail out of the place but you hear his footsteps coming after you and he grabs your wrist to hold you back.

"Yoongi let go."

"If I let you go now, I will never see you again. This, I am very sure of."

"Yoongi please..."

"I'm not even Yoonz to you anymore?"

"Yoonz... is meant for someone important to call you. I shouldn't be using it. I'm no one to you."

"What? Because you were a knowing third party?"

"Let me go...", you mumble softly.

There is a long paused before he says, "I can't bring myself to."

"Yoongi, what do you want from me?"

"I... I don't want you to leave me."

"Why do you want me by your side?", asking as you look him in the eye

"I... I loved you..."

"Loved... so not anymore, is that right? And why is that?"

"I can't accept the fact that you..." his voice trails off, long enough for you to complete the sentence for him.

"That I loved a married man? That I slept with him and had an affair with him despite knowing that? So why do you want me by your side then?"

Yoongi looks at you, unable to come up with words, his expressions, you can only say is conflicted at best.

"You've done something that you can't even forgive yourself for. Do you think anyone will be able to accept you? Accept what you have done? Accept that you knowingly slept with a married man, that you're a homewrecker, that you were capable of breaking up a family, a home? It doesn't matter that you loved him Y/N, what you did was just wrong. No one else will love you, they won't even try."

Your eyes squeeze shut by this time, everything he is saying is a needle laced with poison piercing right into your heart.

"Yoongi, stop it... please stop talking..." your voice feeble

"You have any other better choices? This side of you... I am probably the only one who will love you back now! I know you don't want to be alone for the rest of your life. And right now I'm your best bet. Admit it, you know that it can't get any better than this, I am the only willing to try to accept you now, despite you hurting me. I may not love you..."

You snatch your hand out of Yoongi's grasp, appalled at what he said. It was what you deserve no less but you didn't want to hear it ever from Yoongi. That was why you left.

You realise right there and then, why you were so afraid of telling Yoongi. You were so scared of him leaving you or worse, judging. Like he is right now.

He is saying that if you don't stay by his side, that you will be alone forever, no one will ever accept you and what you did.

What he is offering is pity. Pity friendship, pity love.

You'd rather be alone. You've lost so much of your self respect when you were with Seo Eun, and bit by bit, Yoongi had helped you to build that up again. Now the very man is stripping it away again.

He is saying that you're a tainted woman, and that he doesn't love you anymore because of that. That no one will love you. He himself has stated, he loved you. He no longer does. It is words that you never want to hear because you've fallen for him.

You love him.

And right now, the very person you love have taken your words and your past and regrets and taken it, stabbing you right in the heart with that.

You stare at him, with unshed tears gleaming in your eyes. You finally find your voice, weak as it is.

"Don't come back here again Yoongi. Since you think so lowly of me, you don't have to lay eyes on me again to cause rot to them. Goodbye, forever. I never want to see you again."

You storm down the stairs, leaving him behind, the last memory of the both of you will always be this moment where he hurt you when you least expected.

Before you leave, you implore Mina, "Mina, do me a solid favour." you wait, making sure that Mina looks at you in the eyes, "Never let Yoongi in again. Or any of the other members while I'm here. If they are ever here, TELL ME beforehand. Please, Mina, or I will never come back here again. I don't want to see them ever again."

Shocked at your vulnerable threat, the pool of tears about to spill over the lids of your eyes, all she can do is dumbly nod and promise you.

You finally high tail out of the place, in tears.


A/N: I feel like this chapter is a mess. There is so much more to what 'you' are feeling, more weight behind the thoughts depicted here. Let me know if you, the readers, want more elaboration! ^_^

Also also, I missed the last time I updated because I was in Bangkok for the concert. And OMG IT WAS SO AWESOME!!!

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