Fourteen 十四 십사

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2018.09.21, Saturday


There is a semblance of a habit now. You kept going back to the cafe in the middle of the night, not wanting to be overwhelmed by the memories from your apartment.

Min Yoongi always finding himself at the cafe, also at ungodly hours, for incomprehensible reasons to you. Even Yoongi himself is perplexed, but his excuse - the extremely good coffee. Deep down, he knew it was because of his intrigue towards you, the mysterious woman crying in the corner.

The first night when you stood up and left, he looked up too and in that short moment, of eye contact, there was this feeling of camaraderie. The look on your face, displayed something familiar, yet foreign. A nudging feeling that you needed someone. Much like how he used to need someone and yet unable to reach out, and in that, he felt like he was drowning in loneliness and despair. He saw that in your eyes

It was why he kept coming back, on and off for days. Then days turned to weeks, some days you'd be crying, some days you'd just stare blankly. But some days... it's not often, probably 1 in 10 days at the beginning, you would have a small smile tugging on your lips. It was pretty, the way that small smile would light up your face.

Weeks turned into a month and the one time Yoongi finally arrives at the cafe earlier than you do, he deliberately sits at your seat.

Hearing your footsteps, he makes himself comfortable in his seat, and observes you the same way you did, the first night he came here. He sees your surprise as you stop and stare at the unprecedented sight before you, your spot having been taken up by your somewhat-coffee-companion. Flustered and annoyed, but knowing that you have no choice, you move to take up seat at your second favourite spot.

"I actually sat here to see what's so good about this spot, seeing that you hog this seat all the time. You're welcomed to share."

Your eyes widen at his words. Not at the context of his words, which meant that he has been observing you all this time, but the fact that he actually addresses you. Even more so, that he is making an attempt at conversation, with what must seem like strange woman. You stand there, staring at him like a deer caught in headlights.

"Well? Here or there? FYI, I don't bite."

It has been a stressful day at work, a deal almost falling through and you only barely managed to help your boss salvage it. The cafe is the only place that you can actually feel at peace nowadays and that was all that you wanted. Some coffee, a cake and peace. You contemplate your options as he looks expectantly at you.

So far Min Yoongi hasn't raised any red flags, aside from being the weird dude that keeps coming to the cafe in the middle of the night. To which, you can't say much about, since you are also a weird woman, trying to fall asleep in a cafe.

And so you make your way over, sitting opposite of him. He has left your own seat unoccupied, though you have no idea whether it was a kind gesture from him or if it was purely coincidence. Intuition tells you it's the former but pragmatism tells you otherwise.

As you seat, he starts a conversation with you.

"So, why this place?" he peers around curiously, as though he has not been here almost every other day for the past month.

"24/7, books, good food, good coffee. It has always been a concept I dreamt of. Plus, it's cozy and homey, I've fallen asleep here a few times."

"I know, I've seen you."

You raise your eyebrows at that, feigning shock, "You mean... you've been staring at me while I slept...?!"

His eyes widen to the size of saucers, desperately trying to defend himself, "No! I don't mean it like that. I meant, I walked over... ah no... I tried not to wake you when I realise that you were sleeping."

"I know." you smirk and pick up your book.

You hear a scoff from him as he realises that you were just teasing him.

"So why can't you sleep at home?" curiosity laces his tone.

"I could ask you the same."

"I don't sleep well."

You only give him a small smile in response to that. As he understands that it is the same for you, the both of you sink back into your respective books and spend the rest of the night in comfortable silence.

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