Five 五 오

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2019.07.28, Sunday

That was three months ago. Three months since you and Yoongi have gone back to hanging out together.

Yoongi hides the fact that he is confused with his feelings for you but the boys who know him for much longer all have some inclination, if not suspicion that he is indeed in love with you, even if he is denying it himself.

But the fact that you had told him that you couldn't fathom the idea of loving anyone, he had to back off.

On the one hand, he knows that eventually whatever this is between the both of you, it had to end, one way or another. At this point, he'd definitely hedge his bets on this blowing up in his face. Which only meant that he will get hurt. Deeply. Madly. Truly. He would never be able to recover from it. How will he protect himself?

On the other hand, he wanted you in his sight, in his arms, in his life. He knew. He knew that if he told you anything about how he feels, you'd tear right out of his life right away. He can't live with himself if that happened.

He knew that you were very much alone. In a weird way, he was the only emotional support system you had, the closest to a best friend you have at the moment.

He doesn't know what happened to your close friends, only what you told him at the cafe. And so he doesn't want you to be on your own. Vulnerable. He meant what he said, that he wanted to protect you, to provide a safe space for you to let your guard down, to get a reprieve from all the stresses you face. To not be lonely. He'd be whatever you need.

For some reason, it seems as though you sense that aura of safety and security with him. You become needier, the opposite of what you wanted and initially stated. It has become harder for you to fall asleep without him, proven on nights when you trudge back to your own place after long hours at work. You're bone tired but you never seem to be able to fall asleep at you place even though you've tried everything.

Now you've given up trying and sleep most nights at his place. Even on nights that you end early, or when he works really late at the studio, you find your way to his studio. You are of the few who has the passcodes to his studio, mostly because you sneak in without disturbing him. You just take up a small space on his little couch, when you're there.

Yoongi always notices you there, sometimes you distract him even. But he has never minded your presence in his studio. The clicking of your heels on the floor outside that signals your arrival. The perfume you wear that fills the air. The clacking away on your laptop as you work sometimes. How you sometimes try to stifle your laugh when you watch your dramas.

He always notices your presence in the studio, always looked forward to it even. He misses you whenever you are not around.

It is at the point, where you are just plodding around his room as you get ready for bed, that he realises. Rather, he finally admits it to himself.

He has fallen in love with you, long before he even realised how important you've become to him.

You catch him staring at you, as you tie your hair, "What is it? Did I grow a pair of horns?"

"It'll make you look better."

"I'm sure, since according to you, I'm the devil. But then, your life choices has made me question life itself. So you're not a reliable source."

You slide into the warmth under the covers, the bed having absorbed Yoongi's body heat.

"By the way, wanna cook tomorrow? My hands are itching to do something."

"No, I wanna rest. It's such a rare day off, for the both of us where we can do nothing."

"Yea, and it's the only time all of you are here before your crazy schedules start up again. Let me do something for the boys."

"Okay, so you can do it. I'm just going to sleep in."

"I need help..."

There's no response from him and you turn to face him, his eyes are closed, knowing that he's just pretending to sleep.

"Okay fine, I'll do it on my own then." you sigh and settle in to sleep.

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