Eight 八 팔

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2019.08.02, Friday

"I'm tired, I'm going to bed."

You try your best to run out of the room, without Hobi noticing your tears. You have already made up your mind on what to do. Now you just have to execute your decision.



"Y/N, are you crying?"

"No no, I got too tired and yawned till I teared. What's up Joon?"

"I'm just looking for Hoseok. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, thank you for asking. I'm gonna head to bed."

Puzzled as to why you said you are okay, when clearly you are not, he knows just as well that you won't say anything unless you wanted to. So he just leaves you be and goes to his initial destination. Find Hobi.

"Hob-ah, I need to talk to you about work. But first, do you know why Y/N is crying?"

"She is?"

"She claims that she's not, but it's evident that she was."

"Maybe because I told her about Yoongi's feelings for her. And that she is in fact hurting him by pushing him away emotionally all the time."

"Do you think that is the right move, bro?"

"Either way, this will make their stalemate of a relationship will finally move. Whether for the good or for the bad, it is now up to Y/N. Yoongi-hyung has made all his moves, he has no more cards to play. The ball in Y/N's court now."

"What makes you think hyung really is in love with her? It's all been speculation so far."

"Gut instinct."

"Really? That's all that you're basing this on?"

"Joon, I'm 75% positive."

"And there's that 25% that you're not. Are you clouded by your protectiveness? Hob-ah, you had it easy with HyeRin, the both of you had a strong friendship and foundation and it's a good thing that it blossomed. It's an amazing thing.

I get that you're trying to protect Yoongi-hyung, but Yoongi and Y/N, the both of them are already complicated people with their own slew of complicated baggage. Yoongi having dealt with depression and anxiety, even until now, still struggling to this day. We don't know about Y/N, but I can see that she is equally tortured.

I don't know what exactly she is dealing with, but her bright smiles and boisterous laughter is usually accompanied with something dark. Her bouts of melancholy is not to the extent of depression but, it draws a dark stroke on her moods. She has her own issues to deal with. We on the outside may see more stuff, but it is stuff that they refuse to acknowledge. We can tell them all they want, but if anything were to happen, they have to deal with it themselves."

Hobi stays silent to ponder over this before finally speaking up, "Should I go speak to Y/N?"

"That's for you to decide. Whatever you choose to do, come find me after. I need to talk to you about work."

Hobi finds you in Yoongi's room, holding your phone on your belly, sitting on the beanbag by the window, looking out of it. Your sniffles were barely audible and there were a few pieces of tissue near you.

He gently knocks the door and calls out "Y/N?"

Startled, you try to wipe your tears discreetly before clearing your throat.

"Yes Hobi? I'm quite tired, do you mind if we talk later?"

"I just want to apologize for what I said earlier. To be honest, I have no idea how hyung feels towards you. I just said that to protect him. I just don't want him to get in trouble over anything. Please, don't do something drastic and silly over something stupid I said."

"No worries about it Hobi, I understand. I am really tired though." you smile gently at him.

"Don't cry anymore okay Y/N? I'm sorry." he moves to wipe away the tear stains that you missed.

You bring up your hands to remove his just as a booming voice rings out across the room.

"What is going on?!?!"

Yoongi stands at the door frame absolutely pissed while you and Hobi look back at him in confusion.

"Yoonz? What's wrong?"

"Why were you crying? Did he make you cry?"

"Yoonz, it's nothing, just my hormones acting up. Hobi, you haven't finished your discussion with Joon yet right? You should go."

Taking your cue to escape, Hobi scuttles out.

"Yoonz, it's nothing, I really was just being hormonal. You must be tired."

"I am. I didn't like that he made you cry."

"He didn't Yoonz."

"I know him too well, I know he did."

"Even so, it is between me and him, I will settle this with him. Don't ruin your friendship because of me. Please."

Yoongi knew it in his gut that him acting out is not because he was peeved at Hobi making you cry. He knew too well Hobi's thoughts on the relationship between him and you.

It was that he was acting so tenderly to you and it just made him irrationally jealous.

You seem to catch on on that point and you had to ask, "You're not... jealous are you?"

He stuns for a second before recovering quickly to refute it, "Pfft. Why would I be?"

"Good, because Hobi is as much my friend as you are. You just... bring a different sort of comfort to me, one that I need that he cannot offer. Yoonz, look, our friendship is different and unique. I love it in its form. I need it, and even more so, I want it too. Now come, sleep. I'm exhausted and I can see the fatigue just rolling off you."

You know that your time with Yoongi had an expiration date. You just don't know when it is. In the meantime, you only want to savour every moment you have left with him.

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