Thirty 三十 삼십

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Yoongi tries to move, but finds himself constricted. Some time during the night, you end up hugging him. At this point he doesn't know what to do, especially when this time, you were the one who initiated the skinship, not him. Then it strikes him. You initiated it. With a smirk, he turns to back face you. His grin grows when he feels you moving closer to him, encircling your arm around his and nuzzling into the back of his neck.

He mushes backwards into your embrace, having missed this, missed you so much the entire time you were gone. He was really pissed off having found out about Seo Eun. And he stayed mad and moody ever since he found out.

How could you do that to someone? How could you choose to hurt someone just because you loved? You were one of the most sympathetic and empathetic person he knew. You had so much love within you and you showed it to everyone but you did one of the worse things to another person and most of all yourself. It went against his very own basic principles.

Yet, he could also see how harshly you have treated yourself. The guilt weighs so heavy on your heart that it has affected your health. You push the extra mile for others, and you never leave anything for yourself. It is a vicious cycle you initiate and one that punishes you for it.

You've closed yourself off from self care and love, thinking that you don't deserve it. You regret every moment of when you were with Seo Eun, but he knew that you truly loved that guy and you had thought that it was worth it. You gave your self respect and love away.

Mina had told him everything. How Seo Eun was your childhood friend, having known each other for more than a decade. Seo Eun had always been charming and often dangled carrots before you, leading you on even if he was never available. He was a master manipulator, knowing just the right words to say to you to melt you putty in his hands. You crave love, someone to be close with, you needed someone even as you deny it, pretending to be strong. And Seo Eun showed that he loved you, in his weird way. You took it because you were lonely and being with him was comfortable, from your years of friendship. You understood Seo Eun and he understood you.

Now, Yoongi is here because he understands that you loved Seo Eun. And also because he realises how much you hate yourself because of that, because of what you did. The long nights unable to sleep, the self blame for not being stronger against him, the harsh judgement on yourself every time you do something that is perceived as wrong or inadequate. You recoil into yourself and it is difficult to draw you out everytime. Your inner demons work very hard.

He's here because he sees how much you care and in turn, love. Plain and simple. He fell for that from the very beginning. Your sharp wit and wry humour drew him in, your strong thoughts and perception enticed him. But the way you care for him, for his members and for the people around you? That was, is, what he loves about you.

And that is precisely why he's here. He loves you. Loves you so much so that he understands you the way you are. Whatever is it that you are, your base character, everything got amplified by everything that has happened to you. Your indifference because you were afraid of getting attached. How despite that, you can't sit by and do nothing but, you tend to do things quietly. You cannot help but to reach out to people who needs a shoulder the most.

That despite how hurt you got from Seo Eun, even your friends who stopped caring about you, you still loved, still cared, still gave.

Now he wants to be the one who can hold you and support you when you are tired and worn out, just like you have been doing for him.

He puts his hands over yours, and falls asleep, in your arms once again. 

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