Six 六 육

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2019.07.28, Sunday

The alarm blares from your phone and when you get off the bed, you feel like there's something wrong. It could be just your period, so you drink some ginger tea and eat some bread, just to fill your stomach. Food always made you feel better.

You manage to get to the supermarket and get everything on the list that you wanted to do for the day, but you know that something is really wrong. Your limbs feel weak and you start to shiver uncontrollably. You barely make it home and put all the food in their right places before you slump down to the floor. The weak feeling has become more of an achy feeling which means that you're down with a fever. Your head is pounding and feels like it's about to explode. The floor is cold, but you can't even bring yourself to stand up, even as you try by grabbing onto the handles of the drawers.

You do manage to get yourself to a sitting position and you put your head in your hands, hoping that the next time you lift them up, the room stops spinning.

That is exactly the position Jungkook finds you in.

"Noona! Are you okay?"

"I'm fine Kookie, don't worry." your voice sounding meeker than you intended.

It is utterly unconvincing, even to your ears. Trying to reassure him, you look up at him only to see worry etched all over his face. Not to mention, the room continues to spin, you bet your ass that you are definitely too pale to be considered "fine".

"Alright noona, come on, I'll help you to the sofa. It's a better resting place."

"Aww, you're so grown up Kookie, taking care of me. I'm really ok, I just need a little more time."

"What's going on Kook?" Yoongi's voice breaks through your dizzy haze.

"I don't know, I came into the kitchen and just saw her sitting on the kitchen floor."

Yoongi's knees pop as he squats down to your level, placing a cool hand to your forehead which you lean into. The coolness feels nice to your feverish skin.

"Damn it, she's running a fever."

"Yoonz, I'm fine, I just need to take meds to sleep it off."

"Can you get up?"

You stay silent for a long moment, knowing that telling him you can't will only worry him. But you can't lie to his face, especially when you can be proven otherwise. You hear him rummaging about for a thermometer and at its beep, JungKook gasps at the reading.

"This is bad. She's way too hot. Kooks, run some water in the bath. We need to bring her temperature down."

"Yoongi, I am out of spare clothes..."

"You can borrow mine. I don't care. I'm going to take care of you okay? Don't worry."

"I am worried, you don't even take care of yourself properly." you try to make a joke despite your condition

"I take care of the people I love well."

"Don't fall in love with me... I'm not whole and healed..." you mumble

Yoongi lowers you into the bathtub, feet first. It is early in the morning and Jungkook has filled the bathtub with lukewarm water, which means that it is cold to you, even when you're not feverish. You take your showers pretty hot. So against your burning skin, it is akin to stabbing icicles. Upon contact, you whine and cling to Yoongi.

"No.... it's too cold... Don't, please..."

"Baby, come on, it'll bring down your fever. It'll make you feel better soon. Just go in for a while okay? Once your temp comes down, you can go sleep. Kooks, hold on to her, make sure she doesn't slip all the way in."

He races to the kitchen, rifling through the medicines to find one for fevers. He also spots the gel cooling sheet, and grabs those as well.

He runs back to the bathroom and he hears you sniffling and clinging to Jungkook, trying to clamber out of the bathtub. Jungkook is trying his best to soothe you, rubbing his hand on your back in circular motion.

"Noona, it's ok, it's alright, we'll make you feel better okay? Just hang in there a little longer."

An irrational spat of jealousy grows in the pit of Yoongi's belly, which he just shoves down knowing that it's just plain stupid.

"Jungkook, come, let me take over."

"Hyung, I think we should take her to the hospital."

"She hates hospitals. I don't want to take her unless it's absolutely necessary. Let's just see if the meds work first."

"Ah hyung, has she eaten anything yet?"

"I don't kn..." Yoongi is interrupted when he feels you nodding against his chest

"You ate something already?" he asks and you nod again in response.

"Okay, come on, take the fever meds alright? Once you've cooled down a bit, we'll get you changed and you can sleep alright?"

You take the meds and then after a while, start to sniffle again, and Yoongi sees the tears in your eyes, as you cling to him. You were feeling just plain miserable.

Yoongi rocks you slowly, rubbing your back soothingly and he realises that your temp seems to have gone down. You have also fallen asleep as the fever meds worked against your fever.

"Y/N... come on, wake up, let's get you to bed so you can sleep it off."

Your eyes open up to look at Yoongi, clear and no longer dazed.

"Yoongi, can you get me some clothes to change so I don't drip everywhere?"


"On it," Jungkook replies and speeds off, only to return with a huge sweatshirt and a towel seemingly one second later.

"Out, both of you." your voice is still weaker than usual, but you push some conviction behind it.

It is extremely difficult, but you manage to strip off all of your clothes, and put on the sweatshirt after drying off. It is a good length, covering you up all the way to your knees. The sleeves are extremely long, but it is resolved by folding it up 4 or 5 times. You manage to wring out a lot of the water from your clothes and you grab the hanger from the back of the door to allow your clothes to dry.

Yoongi is waiting for you outside and as soon as you open the door, he scoops you up in his arms, carrying you into his room. The air is cold to your skin, so you don't complain and just curl into Yoongi's warmth.

He lays you gently on the bed, making sure that you're warm, but you've gotten used to hugging something, or someone in this case, to sleep. So when Yoongi pulls away from you, you pull him back in your feverish state.

He looks down at you, conflicted. He knows that this thing between the both of you is not an actual thing. You are a flight risk, not something permanent, fragile and vulnerable. You were falling apart at the seams, though it is not something that has been happening but, he could always feel it.

Yet he can feel himself sinking in deeper, his feelings for you growing. He is constantly torn between self-preservation, knowing that you are so likely to hurt him, and loving you. Now, he can't undo it. He's gone in far too deep.

He slips in between the comforter with you.

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