Seven 七 칠

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2019.08.02, Friday

It's been a week after you've fallen sick and you're hanging out with Hobi and of course Yoongi, fooling around with them on their Just Dance game. Originally Jin had been playing with them, but you coming over after work, you get pulled in to take over his place while he went out to get food.

Yoongi's phone goes off, and he walks to a quiet place to pick it up. With you and Hobi screaming your head off in excitement, he'd never be able to hear himself, much less the other person on the phone. The song ends and Yoongi takes the opportunity to get your attention.

"Y/N, I need to go to office for a while, we need to re-record Jin's part. Don't wait up for me."

He turns around and walks out, not giving you a chance to respond in any way.

Sighing, you turn to Hobi, "Another round?"

"No. But can we talk?"

"Of course. What is it?"

"Do you love Yoongi hyung?"

Your eyes widen at his question, surprised at the question.

"What are you trying to say Hobi? We have already stated what we are. We're just friends"

"I'm trying to say, that maybe you're not seeing this as I am, but I know for sure that hyung is in love with you. Even if he says that he's not."

You look at him shocked at his revelation, unable to formulate any words.

Hobi shakes his head, "I've always wondered if you really had no idea or just playing dumb. But seeing your reaction it would seem that it's both. You play dumb because you don't want to see that he's really in love with you."

Still processing this information, you stay silent, absolutely dumbfounded.

Recovering a little bit, you ask, "How do you know?"

"Know what?"

"That he's in love with me."

"He acts different around you."

"How so?"

"He's extremely anxious about you. He's constantly thinking about you. He keeps you in his thoughts often, always wondering about you, caring for you. Worrying about you. He isn't usually this invested in anyone except for a precious few. The fact that you are one of those, well, you mean a lot."

"Maybe he sees me as family, friend, companion. Nothing more."

"You don't see it. It is not as simple. Look the reason why I am saying this is because I can see that you're not as emotionally invested as he is. He is looking at this with hope that you will one day reciprocate his feelings. Even if he is not, the fact that you do not love him, will hurt him greatly, whether in the future or even now. I see his feelings growing.

Everytime you push him away, when he so wants to be with you, when he wants you to open up to him, it hurts him. Do you get what I'm trying to say? One day, when you find that you don't need him anymore, and you move on, who is going to hurt the most?"

You stay silent, trying to process. There could be some truth to Hobi's words. He's been Yoongi's close friend, considered a brother even, knowing Yoongi well enough to come to this conclusion.

Or he could also be wearing rose colored glasses, thinking that all friendships between a man and woman will never be platonic as is the common belief. You, yourself also considered this to be true, but you are trying your damnedest to disprove this theory, having seen how others remain platonic too.

Then it dawns on you, that this relationship is as warped as your previous one, only, you are the one causing the pain instead of being in pain. Even if the both of you so called know what you're doing. You thought you knew what you were getting yourself into previously too. Look at how that turned out.

All Yoongi has ever done is to build your trust in him, care for you, make you laugh, love you. And what have you done for him? So far, all that you have done is cause him pain, if what Hobi says is true.

There is only one thing left to do.

"So, what will you do?" Hobi asks, shaking you out of your reverie.

Looking him, considering your options, you finally reply, "You will see."

You have made up your mind.

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