Twenty Three 二十三 이십삼

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For some reason, Yoongi is afraid of reading the letter. He senses that the relationship, whatever it is, with Y/N will change drastically once he reads it.

But the curiosity burns through him like fire, as if this letter will finally give him the answers that he's been asking you for the longest time.

Hey Yoonz,

I hope you like the sketchbook. You did mention that there are so many moments that flew by that you know you'd want to remember but you didn't have time to take a picture. I hope this is a good collection for you =)

I'm really thankful for the friendship that you have offered me Yoonz. It is something so precious that I cannot fathom how I deserve it. Hobi said the other day that you might be catching feelings for me. While that is impossible, I cannot risk that happening. Yoonz, there is so much you don't know about me. I'm so amazed at the fact that you've welcomed me into your life just like that.

I have to walk away Yoongi. I'm so sorry. Whatever it is that we are or do, the world will not perceive it in its innocence that it's platonic. It's just the way the world works. They only see what they want to see. I see it in your eyes, the affection you have for me. I cannot risk it and allow it to grow into something more.

I cannot love you. Because I don't deserve to love in the first place. I am a horrible person, I'm selfish and inconsiderate. I hurt people.

I was a third party Yoongi. I knowingly entered a relationship with a man who is married. I crossed the line with my own morals, how can I face myself? I am someone who is tainted. I know you wouldn't want anything to do with me any longer. Like so many of my friends. That's why I held off telling you anything about my past. I never told you about him, I never told you about why my friends really left.

Some judged me for it, as I deserve. Others tried to accept that part of me but I can tell that they would rather not associate with me. I had some really close friends who stood by me, but they eventually drifted away from me. They all knew that I knew what to do, so they left me to it. Only I didn't... I chose to continue hurting someone... I couldn't get out of it, not at that time. And so, they got exasperated and... we don't really talk anymore.

I understand. I understand all of that. I would have been, could have been any of them. I would have judged as harshly, I would have tried to accept that of my friends, I would have stood by them and supported them until they did something. At least until I got frustrated with inaction. I deserved all of that.

But you, Yoongi, you deserve someone so much better in your life Yoongi. Please forget me and please, please, be happy.


Yoongi crumples up the letter in shock and anger. He cannot believe what he just read, what you told him you did. How could you just throw this in his face?! He couldn't deal with his emotions with you, he needed to confront you. But you, you were the other woman in someone else's marriage. How could you do such a thing?! There was a whirlwind of emotions in him that is bubbling over. He cannot accept the fact that this is happening to him. He cannot accept the fact that you did that. How could you? It is someone else's happiness in jeopardy.

"Hyung...? Are you alright?" Jimin timidly pops his head in to check in on Yoongi

"Jimin, did you know about this?"

"Know about what?"

"This book and the letter!"

"I... yes, I know."

"So you know what is in the letter too? Why? Why did you hide it from me?"

"What...? No hyung, I don't know what's in the letter. What did noona say?"

"I... I can't deal with this right now. How could she just do this to me?!"

"Hyung... calm down..."

"I have to call her. I need to talk to her. RIGHT NOW." he practically shouts as he aggressively picks up his phone to call her.

Instead of a dial tone however, he can't even get through to your phone now. He tries texting of which it only shows a single tick instead of the usually double ticks.

You disappeared on him again.

He flings his phone across the room in a rage, shouting his frustrations out.

[✅]Skin Hungry [Yoongi X Reader]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum