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"No" he grunted as his fist connected again with the punching bag.

"But-" protested Kay.

"No! No means no and that's final!" Ordered Alaric, coming to a halt and wiping the sweat from his brow.

"Why not?" She insisted, "Other women in the Pack get to participate in combat training whether they are actively Pack warriors or not."

"Because," he responded "the other women are shifters, not human. They can heal much faster than you. If you were to get hurt, brake a bone or something, it could take you months to heal. That very same injury would only last them a matter of hours. Days at the most. And you're not as strong as we are Kay so you could get hurt that much easier!"

"Exactly, I'm not as strong! Which is why I need to practice that much more if I'm to be able to defend myself should we ever be attacked!" She argued.

"If we were attacked" he growled, eyes darkening, "I would protect you."

"And if you weren't there-" she began.

"Then the pack would protect you too!" He boomed.

"I can't always depend on someone else being there Alaric." She asserted calmly, "Besides, I'm already a trained fighter, I know the risks. And I'm not asking to join the pack warriors or put myself out on the frontlines somewhere. I just want the opportunity to keep up on the skills I already have."

"No" he said with finality.

"Alright," she said crossing her arms over her chest, "let's make a deal then. You and I will go one round and if I win you let me train with the pack. If I loose, you'll not hear another word from me about it."

"What part of 'no' don't you understand?" He said in frustration.

"You think about it," she offered a small smile, "until then, I'm sure I can find someone who'd be willing to practice with me."

"Fine." He called as she walked away. "One round."

Stepping up into a ring in the pack qym, they squared off. "Now we're not trying to kill each other or break anything." Stated Alaric.

"Right. The winner will be by knockout or submission." Kay finished, agreeing on the rules of their exhibition.

"Knockout?" He smirked, "Try all you want sweetheart, you'll be under me begging in submission before we're through."

"In your dreams Lec." She scoffed.

"Always." He winked.

They began by circling each other, sizing each other up. Obviously, Alaric was bigger and stronger. As a shifter, he was naturally much faster too. But what he didn't know was that she could be just as fast or faster if she wanted to. She would avoid using her special abilities for the most part though. And even without them, she had trained harder than anyone to be able to compete with the fighting speed of shifters on her own. That was in her old Pack though and Alaric was a Silver Fang Alpha. No doubt he was on a level all his own.

Alaric lunged first! Parrying as she stepped left at a forty-five degree angle she smoothly transitioned into a rolling-punch. Almost immediately bobbing and weaving right she avoided his next blow with only centimeters to spare. Using her momentum she drove an elbow up into his jaw then her shoulder into his torso in an attempt to send him back and create a bit of space.

The two exchanged blows with lightning speed and precision. The strength of his strikes felt as if they were wracking Kay's very bones but she blocked them nonetheless. Alaric was shocked and awed by the fact she was able to keep up. Although he held back slightly for fear of hurting her, he was by no means making it easy for her. Even by shifter standards, she clearly was a force to be reckoned with.

Knowing she could not hope to outlast him, Kay whipped around for her favorite technique. The spinning back kick. Even without infusing it with wind the upward driving force of her kick was enough to break bones and send an opponent back. Taking advantage of his slightly bent over state, she grabbed hold of his shirt and jumped up sending her left out long in front of his neck and her right leg scissoring behind it. Clamping her legs together she spun, continuously rolling her entire body forward until they both flipped to the ground.

Slipping out quickly before Kay could secure the choke, Alaric was able to obtain a side mount position before transitioning into a full mount. Pinning Kay's hands above her head, both breathing hard, he leaned down, his sweaty bangs brushing her forehead. "Ready to submit?" He smirked.

"Oh, honey..." she panted, licking her lips and looking up at him through her thick, dark lashes.

As he slowly brought his lips nearer to hers she planted her feet, bridged her hips, and reversed their position. "...I don't think so." She smirked.

Before he could respond the door to the gym burst open. "Lec? Are you in-" began Nema "oh... Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt" she blushed.

"What Nema?" He sighed.

"Oh, you have a call in your office. They said it was important... I tried to link you" She rambled "but yeah, um, yeah I'll just go now." She said pointing to the door "awkward..." she sang under her breath on the way out.

Alaric groaned, letting his head fall back against the mat. "Well I guess we'll just have to continue this some other time" said Kay. Getting up off of Alaric she held out her hand to help him up.

"How about after supper, my room, tonight? Or your room, which ever you prefer, honey." He uttered suggestively, his hands on her hips.

"I think I'll pass." she said, patting his chest. "Why don't you go take care of your business and I'll go for a little walk."

Alaric chucked as he watched her retreating figure. And Kay went out, welcoming the fresh air and cool gentle breeze.


Ok my lovely readers I have a request. I need a good name for one of my antagonists. He's a rouge. Nothing too cliché.

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