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Closing the file, Kay leaned back in her seat and tried to process the information. She had spent the past couple of hours going over the file with her Uncle. She'd examined the intel, asked questions, and worked it all over in her mind with a fine tooth comb. Much to her dismay, there appeared to be more than enough evidence to support at least some of what her uncle had just said. But how could her friend be involved with the likes of Colt?! It didn't make sense. Kay felt hurt and confused. She needed answers. Answers that she wasn't going to find here.

Getting up from the table she fixed her gaze steadfastly at her uncle. "Uncle Artemis, could you please take me back, or at least to the nearest town? I can find my way from there. There are some important things I need to take care of." She asked solemnly.

"Is there any chance we can change your mind?" He asked in reply.

"I'm afraid not." She said.

"Alright." He conceded, "I can't take you onto the pack's land but I can take you to it."

"That's good enough, thank you." She replied.

"Let me give you my number." He offered "I'd like to stay in touch if that's alright with you. And if you need anything, anything at all, don't hesitate to call me."

"Of course." She smiled. "Thank you."

Approaching his father, Chase spoke lowly once Kay had exited the room. "Why are you letting her go?" he asked quietly.

"Sometimes it's not about winning the argument," replied Artemis, "it's about winning the person. And when that's the goal, you don't use force. Be patient Son. She'll come 'round."


Alaric paced the room. Eyes blackened to obsidian, hair disheveled, fangs extended, his wolf was at surface and he was in a terrifying state! No one dared approach unless absolutely necessary!

"Anything?!" he barked, eyes snapping to Cylas as he entered the office.

"Nothing" he grounded out in reply.

"It's been nearly two days. Two. Days!" roared Alaric. "There has to be some sign of her somewhere! Some sort of trail or something!"

"You know as well as I do that cars are harder to track than people. Especially once they've made it into the city." countered Cylas hotly. "And whoever took her took counter measures. These were no amateurs, clearly, they knew what they were doing."

"Well I don't care!" Alaric flung his desk into the wall. "There has to be some trace of her somewhere so keep looking!!"

"Alpha!" Came a voice through the pack link.

"What?!" He snapped in reply.

"She's back!"

Without a second's hesitation Alaric burst out of his office, Cylas hot on his heels, and bounded out to the yard where Pack members were gathering. The crowd immediately parted at his presence and there in the center stood his mate! Running to her he threw his arms around her, engulfing her. She could feel the worry, the fear, the desperation in his tight embrace. All of his emotions seemed to flow straight into her through that one simple gesture.

"Are you alright? Where have you been?!" He breathed, burying his head in her neck. Noticing a strange scent on her his eyes grew impossibly blacker as he sniffed "I'll kill him!" he growled.

"Shhh. Shhh. Alaric, it's ok. I'm here now." Reassured Kay "I'm safe."

For a moment they just stood there. Kay rubbed Alaric's back soothingly until she felt the tension begin to leave his body. "Let's go inside. We need to talk." She said gently.

Picking her up bridal style Alaric carried Kay into his house. Keeping her pressed close to him he carefully sat down on the sofa. Kay attempted to slide off of his lap then to sit across from him but growling, he held her tighter.

"At least let me turn to face you" She whispered.

He loosened his grip slightly and Kay shifted to straddle his lap. Raising her hands, her thumbs rubbed calming circles on either side of his face. Leaning into her warm palms and closing his eyes, Alaric finally began to relax just a little.

"I was so worried about you Kay." He breathed.

"I know." She answered quietly "I was abducted."

A low rumble vibrated through his chest so she continued quickly "but it turned out to be my biological uncle. He thought he was rescuing he. He didn't hurt me."

"What??" Said Alaric, opening his eyes to stare at Kay in confusion.

"It's a long story." She smiled sadly "Basically, he saw me at the mall and because I look so much like my mother he did a little digging... turns out I'm his long lost niece who he thought was dead."

"I... I don't really know what to say to that." Replied Alaric "But he shouldn't have just taken you!"

"I know what you mean." Chuckled Kay.

"We need to really step up our security though." She grew very serious. "Look... I know this isn't the best time to tell you this but you need to know... He's a hunter. My parents were too. I... I come from a long line of hunters." She finished quietly, eyes downcast.

"Hey, look at me." Alaric now soothed, sensing her distress. "They are not you. This doesn't change who you are. This doesn't change us. Understand?"

Nodding, she took a deep breath and looked back up at him. "There's something else too... I think someone in the Rock Creek Pack is working with Colt Bardolf."

Seeing a flash of emotion cross his eyes Kay gasped in realization "you knew?! How?? Why didn't you say something?!"

"It was one of Colt's men that tried to kill your brother all those years ago." He admitted after a moment's hesitation. "...That's why I ordered the hit on Rock Creek. I've been after Colt for a long time and there was no other way of finding out who all from Rock Creek might be involved. I had planned on interrogating all of them but..."

"I busted them out." She finished.

"You know, you still haven't told me how you did it." He stated suggestively.

"Don't change the subject." She replied.

Sighing in defeat he continued. "Yeah, so that didn't quite go according to plan but we worked something else out with your friend Andreya."

"So that's what she meant by you coming to 'an understanding'. Just what exactly are you having her do?? Its not too dangerous is it?!" Asked Kay, suddenly alarmed.

"Don't you worry about that." Reassured Alaric. "Your friend will be fine. She knows what she's doing."

"But-" began Kay.

"Listen. The things I'm not telling you, are to keep you safe." He asserted, gazing sincerely into her eyes. "That's all I want. All I've ever wanted. You. To be safe."

Seeing his eyes held no room for argument, Kay reluctantly conceded. Taking a deep breath she leaned in draping her arms around his neck. His hands, which had taken up residence firmly on her hips, found their way around her back and they clung tightly to each other in a deep embrace.


Hey! So what do you think? Who's involved with Colt?

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