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Wind whipped violently about the hilltop even as a supercell began to form above Colt and Alaric. It's intensity matching Kay's own. It took every ounce of self control for her not to jump in but to let Alaric fight his own fight. She may have had her own bone to pick with Bardolf, but for Alaric, she knew this was a long time coming.

The two wolves circled each other, snapping and snarling as Kay stalked forward to witness this deciding battle. They were in an open courtyard now, there was nowhere left for Bardolf to run. Not that Kay was going to let him. Almost without the two wolves realizing, the walls of the now fully formed cyclone descended from the clouds like a cage around them, blocking them in. Kay stalked unscathed it's perimeter.

Bardolf was the first to strike. Lunging forward with teeth and claws he went for the neck! Spinning Alaric dodged with ease. Then rearing up with a beastly ferocity, Alaric struck out and the two met head on in a deadly clash!

The two went to the ground, grappling in a savage tangle of fur. For a moment, it was impossible for Kay to tell who had the upper hand. Then, with a kick and a yelp one was thrown off of the other before they both stood to face each other again. Alaric swiped out with a foot and Bardolf, deciding to take the blow, darted in low to come up under it and go for the throat. Alaric pulled back but the rouge managed to latch on to the skin of his neck. He clamped down tight and thrashed his head about, tearing into the Alpha. Alaric pushed and clawed with his feet as he pulled away, breaking free of Bardolf's hold but losing flesh and fur in the process.

Kay's heart stopped at the sight of the crimson gleaming on her mate's neck. She and her wind began to circle even closer in.

With a sadistic gleam in his eyes Bardolf tasted the blood on his teeth with one satisfied lick.

In a flash the to met again, spit flying, in a violent exchange. Catching hold of his back foot, Alaric pulled hard, forcing Bardolf off balance, and swung him around. Not waiting for him to recover, he pounced on the rouge and clamped his teeth about his throat. He could feel as well as hear the sickening crunch as he snapped closed his powerful jaws.

As the winds subsided Alaric let loose a victorious howl. All eyes on the hill turned to see, at last, Bardolf was dead.


Hey all! I know it's been way too long since my last update. I won't labor you with excuses, it's simply been a matter of priority in my part. As always, hope you enjoy!

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