Near death scenes

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There's like so many close calls of deaths that Boboiboy has encountered. From the season 1 finale to Galaxy, there was one thing in common.

Boboiboy was ready to die in all four seasons.

When Light fails to defeat Vargoba in his first appearance, Boboiboy just recklessly charges Vargoba without any backup. His friends back him up in time.

But you can see that he realises from his arrogant mistake and just throws himself at Vargoba. He didn't care about the consequences, he just knows that he needs to stop this villain even if it means just tossing his life away. If he dies, he will crawl back from hell to stop him.

And for the fact that Solar didn't calculate the backlash of his final blow. It was so intense that he literally propelled himself into space because of the intensity of the force being put into destroying Vargoba.

And if Kaizo didn't rescue him… welp. The show will have to be renamed into Boboiboy's Legacy or whatever.

This is literally not the first time.

Season 1 finale. Earth pushes himself to the limit to evolve into Quake to protect his friends. And people wonder why he has the title Mama Tanah/Mama Quake. He didn't care about the backlash, he just needs to know that he needs to defeat Adu-du no matter what.

Season 2. Need I say more.

Fang did the same thing. He overworks himself to create a Shadow Dragon and passes out from exertion.

Let's be honest I watched this episode when I was 9 and I freaked out and cried because Fang acted like he died.

And season 3. The finale. When I first watched it after two years the first thing I noticed was Kaizo—


Anywayyyyyyyyyyyyy, when Boboiboy and his friends lost their power watches, Boboiboy just marches up to Adu-du and ask him to help them. Adu-du could just end them. They don't have powers.

For the fact the first thing that Boboiboy did when he crashed into Kaizo's ship was, "GIVE US BACK OUR POWER WATCHES AND FANG!"

Bish pls boi take a chill pill

Can we all take a moment to realize that Kaizo is hawt as fuck—

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