Delinquent AU

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When BBB came to Pulau Rintis, it was because he was sent there by his parents who couldn't handle his rebellious attitude.

BBB is a rebellious, self-centered and arrogant person. The catch? He's actually popular in his schools, gets good grades but the adults all hate him. He borderline breaks the law, but at the same time he didn't break it, so he couldn't be punished for it.

His grandfather was patient with him, and would take responsibility for his behavior, and at times forced to pay for the damages he caused. However, Boboiboy doesn't feel the slightest bit of remorse, and perhaps even worsens his attitude.

When Yaya chides Boboiboy out for abusing his family and the people around him, he attacked her. In the process, Tok Aba protects Yaya, but gets injured in the process.

When Fang comes around, he's basically the one person who could keep up with Boboiboy's physical attributes. And it's not just stamina, he appears to be capable of defending himself, but still loses, just slightly better than the others.

Fang is a student from another country. He used to participate in illegal gang activities, hence his understanding of Boboiboy's irrational behavior and his own oddball skill set. (picking locks, lying, hiding etc)

Eventually it's come to light that Boboiboy used to have a weak body when he was younger, yet everything he wanted/needed was always taken from him. His medical fees were frozen because his parents took that money for their businesses. His opportunities at school was always given away.

Despite all of that, he denied all of that. He refused to be acknowledged as a misunderstood teen. He claimed he acted like this because he wanted to.

When school started, Yaya reunited with her friends Ying and Gopal. (Gopal was grounded and Ying had been to China, her hometown) Unfortunately, Boboiboy had transferred to the same class with them for the time being.

Boboiboy was instantly hated by everyone, but they feared him. No one dared to cross him or talk to him. The teachers tried (quote, tried) to get through to him, but he dissed them just like how he dissed his old teachers.

One day there was a villain attack during school, which everyone evacuated, except for Boboiboy because he's a) given up on life in general, b) just stopped caring the moment he came into this world, or maybe even c) "I came into this world screaming and covered in someone else's blood- I'm not afraid to leave the same way."

At the scene, he sees an alien with a purple android. He seemed to be terrorizing the people for cocoa? Why though? 

At the same time, the green alien was arguing and struggling to capture a yellow ball. Upon closer inspection, it appeared that it was a robot that's shaped like a ball. Fantastico.

The ball eventually fell from the alien's hands and fell right next to Boboiboy. He picked it up, and the alien instantly was on him: "RETURN THE POWER SPHERE TO ME!"

Being the ass he is, all he does is grin smugly. It has more fanservice this way.


He runs away with the power sphere, or at least that's what he thinks it's called. He ducked in the cafeteria and hid behind the counter, while the robot rampages outside.

The building begins to quake, which he remarks with, ohhhh shitake mushrooms-

That's when the power sphere comes to life. You saved me.

Yikes, not my best moment of glory.

I will give you power... to defeat the villain.

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