A random dare ft. Luna

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I don't do this but meh…
Luna and Tegami belongs to LunalaStarlight
For some ungodly reason I crash whenever I type her name.

Also since Shizuko is away making out with her bf DX (cough) kazscircus (cough), I'll just shove Reverse in to fill her place because why tf not.

Also I don't like inserting OCs much but ogey


Luna: Hello!!

Tegami: …

Reverse: Hello! Can I chop your heads off!?!??

Luna: Nope! >:3

Reverse, turning to Ochobot: Can you do that?

Ochobot: Don't ask me. I'm not the serial killer here.

Reverse: >:( Hmph! Anyway, here's a dare for the both of them since their creator refused to give us a specific scope.

Dare: Shave your hair of, jump in a pool of pink dog drool, then belly dance on YouTube. Solar will make it viral.

Luna: E x c U s E  m E  w H at

Tegami: //runs

Reverse: //chases after him //insert running meme here//


Explosion in a distance. Courtesy of Reverse and Tegami telling at each other.

Luna: Does this happen often?

Ochobot: Yep. Get used to it.


Luna: I'm not doing this.

Tegami: Nor I.

Reverse: Awww, you agreed on something!! So…

Reverse: b Eg OnE  T HoT

Reverse: //holds an electric razor// HOLD STILL!!


Reverse Thorn: Hiya! //ties Luna and Tegami up against a chair// Here you go!

Luna: Thorn why ;_;

Reverse Thorn: Hehehe!!

Reverse: Thank you Thorn! Now… (his silhouette looms over the two menacingly, a sadistic smile plastered on his face. He held the razor high, and brought upon their inevitable fates.)


Luna: I hate myself 😭😭

Tegami: //face on floor //lemme die pls

Reverse: Into the pool u go!!

Luna: WHY IS IT PINK?!??!

Reverse: BECAUSE LOGIC!!!!!!

Reverse: //kicks them into the pool//

Luna: EWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!! GET ME OUT OF HERE!!!

Tegami: //floats face down //he is ded inside


Luna and Tegami: //wisps of hair remain, while covered in pink dog drool//

Luna: T_T author I hate you.

LunalaStarlight: u H--


Reverse Solar: I'm ready for this. B)

Reverse Quake: //holds a whip// Better dance now…


V. Boboiboy: I'm still here, ya know.

Tegami and Luna: O_O

Tegami: You're encouraging this why?

V. Boboiboy: Eh. In it for the LOLs.

Reverse: Oh? Him? He's a villain from another universe.

V. Boboiboy: :) Yep!!


Luna: This is c u rse d--

Reverse Quake: //cracks whip// START DANCING!!


Three hours later...

Luna: My life is ruined

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