steven universe parallels in bbb

648 43 9

Quake as Pearl
Cyclone as Amethyst
Supra as Garnet
Thunderstorm as Ruby
Solar as Sapphire

Fang as Jamie the Mailman
Blaze as Connie
Thorn as Steven
Ais as Lapis
Reverse as Peridot


Blaze: Supra, look! You got a letter!

Supra: Read it.

Blaze: Let's see… Dearest Supra… you are the flame that burns eternally over the candle that is me. You are a cardiac heart surgeon and I am your patient, you holding my still-beating heart in your hands! I cannot look away from you as you walked out of the ocean like a siren, hypnotizing and-

Supra: Get to the point.

Thorn: Let's see… *leans over to read the letter* Oh! He's asking you out on a date this Friday!

Blaze: *gAsP* Fang likes you!

Thorn: Well, um, this is awkward.

Blaze: Why?

Thorn: Supra is already in a relationship! Or more like, she IS a relationship.

Blaze: Oh, Thunder and Solar…

Supra: Three is a crowd.

Thorn: Thunder and Solar need each other so much, that they always stay together!

Blaze: Well, you can't just turn him down! Maybe write a letter back!

Supra: Hm. Alright.

Thorn: That's great! We can help you write it!

Supra: Start with the letter N.

Blaze: Alright… next?

Supra: Then the letter O.

Blaze: You know you can just tell me the word right?

Supra: Period.

Blaze: *puts a full stop* What is this? N… and O… oh.

Thorn: You sure you want to just… be this way?

Supra: Forever and ever and after that.



Supra: Add a smear of blood to end it.

Thorn: Hali, no.

Supra: This is Solar.





Quake: Well, same here!

Supra: I don't get paid enough to deal with you two for six thousand years.


Thorn finds two strangers in different cells and they meet up. They hug for a while and fuse, revealing Supra.

Thorn: Supra! You're a fusion!?

Supra: It was kind of obvious. What other element has two types of powers?

Thorn: That means you're two people in one! Does that mean you have tw-

Supra: Two what?

Thorn: Two bellybuttons!

Supra: I don't have two bellybuttons. (Jesus, thought he was going to ask-)

Thorn: Jk do you have two diccs-

Supra: THORN NO-


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