Minecraft shitposts

599 18 28

Aight so Ive been watching a shit ton of Minecraft and ngl BadBoyHalo is the best muffin I've evet seen in a long time skskskk and he gets drunk a lot sooooo

Anyhowwww if ya wanna know wtf is going on, watch Skeppy, A6D and BadBoyHalo :D

Also UHC Youtubers are amazing too skskskks there's so many. Graser, Nestorio, KiingTong, ShadowApplies, TapL, EmOrSomething, TheBestGinger13 uwu skskskskksks


Hali as Skeppy
Tau as BadBoyHalo
Gem as a6d


Anyway shitpost bye

Also a bunch of writers/readers from the bbb/ejen ali fandom are making a minecraft server so yEeT

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