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What if after the elements escaped from Retakka, they're turned to the way they came out?

Aka losing all theit character development


Wind: *crying*

Lightning: *looking at a butterfly*

Earth: *sitting at a corner crossing his arms, glaring*

Leaf: *just there, staring into the sky*

Light: *taking selfies*

Blaze: I'm… what's going on? Are you alright?

Lightning: Who… are you? New elements? *smiles* Let's be friends!

Blaze: ._.

Blaze: Did you hit your head or--

Lightning: Aw, that's mean! So, do you want to be friends?

Ice: I'm sticking him back into Retakka because this is unbelievably cursed.

Lightning: Back to who? You can't just stick someone into someone, silly!



Blaze: I'm not going to kill you! Please, calm down!

Lightning: *sits next to Wind and pats his back* Everything's going to be alright, okay? OwO *hugs Wind*

Wind: *cries even louder*

Earth: *stands up, glaring at them* Are you serious? Are you really crying right now? How stupid can you get?!

Lightning: If you have nothing good to say, then shut up! This is none of your concern!

Earth: Yeah?! Your crying is so annoying that I can't even think!! As if weaklings like you two would know what's called POWER!

Lightning: You don't even deserve yours! We have our powers is because we protect people, not hurt them!

Ice: *cuts in* Okay, you two. Stop arguing!

Blaze: I think I just had a stroke watching that conversation.

Ice: Me too…

Earth: What's your problem, huh!?

Light: Hey, *flips hair dramatically* would you quiet down? You're ruining my mood for a picture.

Ice: I remember when he was like this.

Blaze: Me too.

Daun: *looks up to Light emotionlessly* You are dumb.

Light: *gasp* How dare you! I am the very definition of perfection, the embodiment of beauty and grace! Your filthy eyes are not worthy of my elegance.

Blaze: *eye twitches* He's doing it more than usual…

Daun: *looks at Blaze* You are stupid.

Blaze: HEY!!

Ice: I'm gonna pass out.

Lightning: *arguing with Earth, holding Wind*

Wind: *cries even louder if it's possible*

Earth: *yelling at Lightning*

Light: *taking selfies*

Leaf: *still daydreaming*

Blaze: How do we even get them back to their original selves?

Ice: I'm whacking them over the head with a frying pan. Solves everything.


Shitpost as usual, inspired by Steven Universe The Movie

Anyway in order for them to get their memories back they have to go through each key experience in their life


Lightning has to be kidnapped and abused mentally  again which admittedly was extreme. Though Lightning didn't want to be turned into a rage-filled melee that hurts people, so there was plenty of conflict.

Reboot Lightning is a total cinnamon bun that's not afraid to defend his friends and cheer them up.

Wind has to be drugged and also has to experience friendship from the people he cares the most. Also extreme, which leads Blaze and Ice to question the original trio's life.

Reboot Wind is depressed, always crying, cries over the littlest things and anti-social.

Earth has to experience both Lightning and Wind's development and lead the team. After that it's he has to save both of them out of protectiveness of a leader.

Reboot Earth is a total ass. He's always looking for fights, belittles others and breaking stuff.

Leaf has to experience the true nature of life and has to be there for his friends.

Reboot Lead is apathic, oblivious of emotions.

Light is also extreme. He has to experience a bitter and crushing defeat in battle, and be yeeted into space and/or feel like all is lost.

Reboot Light is utterly arrogant, narcissistic and prideful.



Fire has to go through his mischiefs and Water has to be there for him. Also needs to experience complete rage and loss of control.

Reboot Fire is innocent and very curious. Like Reboot Lightning, both of them are unwilling to use their powers.

Water has to go through analytical thinking to clean up Fire's mess. He needs to experience rage yet be in control.

Reboot Water is too energetic for anyone's good. He'd be best friends with Reboot Lightning.

Reverse has to be backstabbed and misunderstood.

Reboot Reverse is selfless, heroic, and innocent.

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