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Quake: Sleeps peacefully. Mostly lays on his side. Heavy sleeper. Doesn't snore, but even if he does, it's gentle. Hands stick out of blanket.

Thunderstorm: Sleeps peacefully. On his back. Occasionally on the side when he had a nightmare or a bad day. Makes no sound at all. Covers head with his pillow rather than sleeping on it. Light sleeper. Blanket covers all of his body.

Cyclone: Messiest sleeper #1. Always manages to dangle off the bed and land flat on his face in the middle of the night. Also a heavy sleeper and snores gently. Would ditch both the blanket and pillow somehow. If he sleeps on the top of the bunk bed, expect him to fall on whoever's under him.

Blaze: Messiest sleeper #2. God knows how this boy is still alive. Whatever he does, he always ends up with the blanket on the floor and hugs the pillow. Heavy snorer and a light sleeper. Easy to wake.

Ice: What's a blanket? All he uses is a pillow and he can just about sleep anywhere. Heavy sleeper and snorer. Even if he uses the blankets, he'll wrap them around him like a nest and hibernate.

Thorn: Heavy sleeper. Snores like a kitten. Feet out of the blankets. Likes to hug pillows or stuffed animals in his sleep. Ends up in a corner with stuffed blankets if feeling extra huggable.

Solar: Loud snorer and heavy sleeper. Sleeps with his notes and books. Bed is always littered with either gadgets, more books or doubtable chemicals in vials. One time he woke up and accidentally pushed an acid vial onto the floor and made a hole. He never placed vials on the bed ever since.


The Seven:

Lara: Sleeps like a cute hamster. Whenever she has a nightmare, she'll sheepishly find whoever she trusts and ask to sleep with them. (But DX. So sad, Death-Breath)

Ainya: Tries to fight the duvet. A lot. Sleepwalks and tends to attempt something stoopid like filling Shizuko's shampoo with orange hair dye.

Diana: Tends to wrestle her bed. A lot. Whatever she does, it always ends up with someone entering her room and prevent her from strangling herself from her blanket.

Sky: Kitten sneezes. A lot. Takes up multiple blankets (Shizuko's, Death X's and Atalanta's) and curls up like she's hibernating.

Death X: Doesn't usually sleep with a blanket. Always hanging his fingers laced together and put on his abdomen. Gives Lara, Ainya, Diana and Sky the creeps when he sleeps like that.

Shizuko: Sleeps once a month, but sleeps for 18 hours straight. If attempt to wake her, she won't be able to function for the rest of the month. Surprisingly a peaceful, heavy sleeper. If she snores, it'll come out as a suppressed growl.

Atalanta: Only sleeps at midnight or so, and it's falling asleep on her workspace. It's always DX who carries her back to her bed in 3am. Light sleeper. Doesn't like people disturbing her sleep but hides it. Whatever she does, she always sleeps on her front.

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