things my school did as the elementals

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Kaizo: Banned multicoloured jackets and the usage of hoodies alike.
(The discipline office)

Tarung: Locked everyone in a stadium during sports day because everyone didn't want to be there but the athletes
(The discipline office)

Ciciko: Banned the usage of fidget spinners because it was distracting
(The discipline office.. Again)

Gopal: Snuck snacks into an examination. Got caught. Ironically writing an essay about the importance of food and water.

Fang: The guy next class who has twelve girlfriends at the same time.

Boboiboy: Got his innocence ruined when he witnessed a bunch of guys pinching each other's nipples and air thrusting
(A girl who's visiting the school because of her mother. She's around 8 or 9.)

Yaya: Flipped a table and stormed out of classroom, which half the class followed her lead because the teacher was shit.
(Class, happened last two weeks. Things got so heated that everyone in the grade knew. The trigger was me passing an empty essay paper to a friend because she asked and the teacher was bullshitting about it for an hour and a half. When the class settled down, she kept ranting about it and the class rebelled.)

Ying: Skipped class the moment the teacher left, no one noticed her disappearance.

Ochobot: The guy who accidentally got knocked over a window frame, and the entire thing, metal frame and all got knocked out, and plumetted seven floors down. Fortunately it missed a car.
(Happened today) the class got suspended.

Ramenman: The dude who accidentally karate chopped a table because he was in the martial arts club and it was instinct, and also he was provoked and half asleep. Poor dude broke his wrist.
(Happened last year.)

Tanah: Was the vice President for five years straight until he graduated. He never got to be President.
(My club, the guy graduated school last year.)

Petir: Remained an event organizer for two years and finally got promoted to vice President.
(Me!! I'm gonna be a VP next year at 15 years old!! :D)

Angin: Overeager to be the President. Had to fight the VPs for it.
(My President and me)

Daun: Yeeted self off a flight of stairs once and miraculously is OK.
(Witnessed this on Feb)

Cahaya: Outsmarted everyone else in a quiz snd got bragging rights. Gets treated like a VIP and joke material.
(My class)

Api: Broke the class's broom. He snapped the damn thing in half by using it as a pongo stick.
(My class)

Air: Slept through the entire school day. Some club used the classroom after school and he woke up in the middle of their meeting.

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