random tropes

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#1: The Fusions' eye color changes depending on their emotion.
Extra: But the colors are always corresponding ironically. (Eg: When Supra is mad, his eye color is gold. If Frostfire is chill, his eyes are orange)


#2: Sometimes the fusions get a headache because they have mixed emotions about everything.

Supra has it the worst, because he's mad about someone doing something dumb af and has to smart-ass his way to set things right. It's anger, pride and intelligence so Hali and Solar battle for dominance.

Aka hosting a screaming match in Supra's head.

Frostfire is chill af because y'know, he's either cool or wants to burn everything. No in between. But whenever he's forced to calm down about something, cue the migraine and Ice and Blaze clawing at each other's faces.

Glacier could get the worst or be the chillest. (No pun intended) Anyhow, hes p chill because hes the leader and rarely gets stressed unless someone fucks up.


Not a trope but a shitpost.

Some Random Kid: Dude, that maths test was so traumatizing!

Solar: *thrown out to space, gets yeeted by Retakka*

Thunderstorm: *PTSD about Adudu when he was 11, almost killed his friends, powers unstable + more balloons when fighting Jugglenaut*

Cyclone: *Ate Yaya's poisonous cookies once, almost killed Thunderstorm, faced Quake's wrath more than once*

Quake: *watched his friends almost die since he was 11, got betrayed by someone he looks up to/trusts, has the role of the leader since he was 11*

Thorn: *watched Solar die, has no screentime, Quake's wrath is scary, doesnt get taken seriously*

Blaze: *cant control his powers, boycotted by the entire town, screws up mission to save Fang by accident, fights Borara and is severely outmatched*

Ice: *literally was created to fight one stupid machine, faced Gopal's stupidity more than once that almost got them killed, his calmness is a disguise*

Random Kid 2: I know right, I don't think I could get more scared than that!


#3: Vampire AU

Where there are two classes of Vampires: one that survives on pollen/fruit, the other drinks actual blood. The blood-drinking vampire is extinct.

That is, all this time, Thunderstorm didn't realize that Cyclone wasn't drinking pomegranate juice.

Also, vampire hunters have no idea about this fact.


#4: Animal AU

Elementals as animals. They're all from different species, but some of them are domesticated, the others are not.

Thunderstorm (Wolf), Cyclone (Parrot), Blaze (Hamster) are domesticated.

The others are not. Quake (Golden Retriever), Solar (Fox), Thorn (Cat), Ice (Crocodile) are wild.

One day the domesticated pets' owners brought them out for a walk and they ran away because of Ice. Etc they go on an adventure and at the end of the day Blaze and Thorn switch places, the rest go back to their original places.


#5: Matchmaking

Solar develops a chart that arranges the elementals' duo teams according to their powers, and everything goes to hell. (Reverse is an elemental learning to be good but often failing)

Reverse and Ice
Thunderstorm and Thorn
Cyclone and Solar
Quake and Blaze

Spoiler Alert: Everything burns to hell. This is not a romance.

Also for the first attempt, Thunderstorm was put with Reverse. They almost killed a dude and almost got away with it by (trying to) burying it. They got separated.


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