Contest Announcement!

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So I've been thinking to host one, but the others hosted theirs the same time that I wanted to do I refrained :// (even tho it's last year and fams, I've been procrastinating my life)

Anyway, I'll be posting an extra book about this, but there's the gist:

- there'll be only one winner (gomenasai)

- the winner gets to ask for one thing about my books (if you read any of them)
*trash prize but sorry- I can't do requests to save my life

- write a short story (however long or short you like) about a comedy

- The characters used could be anyone from the bbb franchise. No OCs allowed.

- No ships allowed

- deadline is 26th May 12:00am (Malaysian time)

- first chapter is to give me a 50 word summary about the plot and tag me. Or you can DM me or post on my message board saying that you're participating

- Will be judged by grammar, punctuation, plot, character personality accuracy, and creativity

That's all for now. This is just a basic idea- more details will be posted on the actual contest book

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